Hello. My mom is 93 with Alz and lives in a wonderful board and care facility. She is on hospice. Has been there for almost a year. Due to her agitated behavior, hospice is constantly changing her meds on almost a monthly basis. Physically there is nothing wrong with her. She is heavily medicated most of the time. Hospice has expressed surprise at the amount of meds it takes to “control” her behavior. As she has always been difficult and demanding, I do not blame the caregivers for asking hospice to medicate her into calmness (often stupor). I am so grateful for her care because I could never handle her at home. However, sometimes I wonder if she is so heavily medicated that she can’t mentally progress to the final stages of her life. I know she would hate living this way. Is it possible the meds are keeping her so blotto that she can’t even form the will to “let go”? Oh, her one pleasure is eating which she does with gusto for the three nice meals a day they provide for her. Thanks everybody me for your input.
And if she is still eating with "gusto" she is not at "EOL" (end of life)
There is a real good pamphlet that you can read on line called Crossing the Creek. There is a great section that explains about sleeping and this might also apply to your mom. The gist is ..a lot of "stuff" is processed in the mind while sleeping and time is compressed so more can be done. (Just like our dreams a lot seems to happen when the reality is the dream is very short) It is possible that her "stupor" is her processing and resolving issues she may have.
Please have a look at the pamphlet, it does explain a lot and it does not take long to read.