Recent readout for several months indicated CPAP is only in place briefly at bedtime. Agree ALF agrees in principal to their responsibility in maintaining the device every two hours. Despite repeated requests, they aren't actually helping with the device during the night.
CPAP is critical to Dad's health.
Good luck,
Seriously, it's unrealistic to think that an ALF is going to come in every twenty minutes to see if your dad's removed his CPAP. Nursing homes/ALFs can't restrain patients. I suppose you could ask the house doc to sedate him into oblivion every night so he wouldn't remove it, but is that what you'd really want?
If this has been going on for several months, just how critical is the CPAP machine to his health?
I suppose you could insist that they replace the CPAP once (so put it on twice every night), but beyond that, unless you're willing to be there to do it constantly? If he removes it? What can you do?