
Mom currently lives in an IL facility. Within the last year, she's been diagnosed as having dementia. During this week's doctor's visit, he stated that within 18 months she would need Memory Care. Question is whether it is better to move her now in her current state or wait until it is absolutely necessary. Mom's 2 sons have differing opinions. What would be in the best interests of Mom?

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I agree with Maggie; 18 months is really a guesstimate.

And enjoy these days before the dementia does progress; they'll be ones you remember as special, before things change
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Leave her where she is until she needs a higher level of care. Why be in a hurry to surround her with people who are much less functioning than she is? That almost seems cruel.

Unless your doctor has a crystal ball, he really is just guessing. Could be much sooner. Or much later. There is no one-size-fits-all prediction with dementia.
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