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My cat just hears my tone of voice and the pointed finger and he knows hes been naughty but hes a good well brought up cat hes out all day and sleeps all night! Disciplining pets is like children there is no need for violence the tone of your voice to a pet is enough my cat never goes on the table as hes never that hungry he eats 3 meals a day and hes always satisfied he never begs for food i always leave nuts in his bowl as ive read this makes a happy cat!
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I have 2 dogs - a 100lb 7 year old black lab who came from rescue in April 2013, and a minpin x jack russell terrorist inherited from my mother plus 4 cats - 3 of mine and one also inherited - and a big old goldfish called Ralph. I'm home most all the time and live in the country on 2 acres. Animals are like children. It's the fault of those who bring them up as they know no better.
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Even at the age of 50 your brother is a punk who is so insecure that he has to take his rage out on a an animal to show how powerful, manly, and in control he is. I have no doubt he has a profound personality disorder if not out right mental illness. This has nothing to do with whether we like animals or not or whatever, it demonstrates to me that your brother has very serious psychological issues. And I will agree with what most people said, quit letting him into your house. He's a bad, bad guy.
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I'm a dog lover, and my 1st reaction to your post was a sudden desire to stick my boot up that loser's a__. His behavior reminds me of my drug-addicted patients. He's coming for something. Make sure he doesn't get it. Ask him to call before swinging by if you're not going ahead with the Restraining Order. And please put the dog in another room. She's really not going to help you if he does lash out at you.
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Thanks to everyone for your comments. In the one month that dad has been here with me, the brother has been out twice. He does obviously have emotional issues or worse, I've told him for years he needed to talk someone and possibly be on medication, he doesn't listen. The two times he's been out, I've scheduled a morning for him to come out to see dad, he intentionally comes out the day before or even two days before and first thing in the morning before anyone is even up. Eddie's point is correct, he comes out for something and it's not to see dad, it is to harass me. I think it's time for a restraining order. Eyerishless is correct too. Thanks for your advice.
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