
My elderly father is on oxygen 24/7. During the day the cannula is always in his nose the way it should be. But, during the night, he has a tendency to pull out his cannula while sleeping. Is there a law that says a CNA cannot help a patient (he’s in an assisted living facility) by replacing/repositioning the cannula that was pulled out by accident and that he is required to wear 24/7?

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Well if that is "not out of the goodness of their hearts" they need to find another job. Report this pronto.
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I would question the aides saying its not their job. Talk to the RN in charge.
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That’s just wrong. A CNA can reposition a nasal cannula when the need arises.
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My parent is in Illinois and the CNA’s at the ass’t. Living facility claim that it’s not in their job description to put the cannula back in UNLESS “it’s out of the goodness of their heart”!!!!!
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CNAs do it all the time at Moms NH in NY.
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CNA's can readjust the cannula. Home health care aides can also adjust the cannula.
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I don't think so. I say this because my dad had a terrible habit of pulling it out all the time, and the aids would put it back in. One time they did not put it back in for quite a while, and the hospice nurse came to the care facility and noticed it and reprimanded them for not putting it back in. But that is just an anecdote. I don't know the laws for sure.
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