
My husband has lewy body dementia and I found a place for him, but they do a background check and may deny him she said. His felony was for selling what was representing to be a controlled substance, not murder or sex offender, and since then (1986 he got out) his record is clean, not even a speeding ticket. Has anyone else gone through this? Praying he gets in for my own health and sanity as I am the only caregiver 24//7 with no help in sight. Please advise, Thanks!

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I'm late to this conversation, but Echoing PrairieLake, I am so sorry you are going through this! That said, I'm also grateful to you for posting the question as well as to several others whose responses gave me some helpful direction.

In trying to resolve a similarly impossible situation with a friend's 90+ year-old mom who's been denied admission to several facilities for the vague reason that they "can't meet her needs," I found an online article by Eric M. Carlson in the Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics, and Public Policy titled "Disability Discrimination in Long-Term Care: Using the Fair Housing Act to Prevent Illegal Screening in Admissions to Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities".

In it, Mr. Carlson noted that admission to LTC facilities often gets denied due to a very common practice of cherry-picking the easiest and most financially rewarding patients. He wrote, "A rejected applicant may have a viable claim against the nursing home for discrimination on the basis of disability, but such cases are rarely brought. Most applicants are unaware of the relevant law, and litigation is expensive and time-consuming. For most rejected applicants it makes more sense to move on and seek residence elsewhere."

Admittedly, your situation is a bit more complicated than a straight "can't meet the patient's needs" denial, but do you think that the ancient felony was an excuse for rejecting someone whose care needs might be at the more expensive and difficult end of the spectrum?

If you have the energy and will to pursue it (there's the rub -- caregivers often need to ration whatever "fight," not to mention funds, they've got), maybe the attorney you consulted could leverage the facility into articulating the criteria by which they determined that your husband's 30+ year-old offense continues to pose a likely threat to other residents and/or staff. Or, depending on your location, perhaps a state disability rights organization could be willing to represent you on behalf of many people who experience similar discrimination from care facilities every day.
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Thanks to all for your responses. Found out today he was denied admission. Going to look into a lawyer to get it expunged. Feeling depressed
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PrairieLake Aug 2018
I am so sorry you are going through this. Look around a little more. I worked in 20+ nursing homes, and there is a place for him somewhere.
You may need to talk to the social workers before anyone else.
Also there may be other reasons he was denied.
My heart is with you.
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Yes, facilities DO perform a background check prior to admission. If things like prior felony convictions are not disclosed, that CAN be a reason to deny an application.
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Long-term Care Facilities can discriminant at the door. They can refuse admission for any reason and they do not have to tell you why they are refusing to admit.

The reason behind this rule is that facilities need to be able to turn away individuals when they believe they cannot meet their needs. Also, if a facilities admit a resident they can legally discharge them without a reason for the first 30-days. After the 30-days then the Federal discharge rules apply.

From what you have shared it sounds like your loved one should not be denied due to his past. I would suggest that if the admission person tells you that they will not accept him you request to speak with the Director of Nursing (DoN) or the administrator.
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There may be a different set of standards that apply if you belong to a minority racial/ethnic group. The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination based upon race / ethnicity. Those who have felony records are more likely to be minorities (they are more likely to be arrested and more likely to be convicted for the same actions that whites do). Apartment complexes are being sued for keeping out (as a policy) people with records. Since assisted living facilities are housing facilities, I don't know why the same rules wouldn't apply.
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AL will deny for “suicidal ideation”...basically the nurse said if they are a “danger to themselves or anyone else” they are not a candidate for AL. Doesn’t sound like a felony for selling a controlled substance qualifies him as posing a danger to anyone...
Although my grandfather-in-law was deemed “dangerous to others” because he was a friendly guy who wandered into other peoples rooms to chit-chat. He didn’t get kicked out, but he was heavily medicated after that. I guess it all depends on how they handle it, and what they deem “dangerous”...
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I'm an attorney and a former Public Defender in Miami Dade County. I agree with one of the former posts that indicated that there is no requirement that a facility accept anyone with a record. Discrimination in terms of sex, age, race, religion, etc. is prohibited. The ADA may not protect him either because the American with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination based on a disability. Having a criminal record is not discriminatory. It doesn't fall into one of those protected categories.

I would suggest to just argue common sense to the facility. That this offense took place a long time ago and that he doesn't pose any type of danger to the facility or it's people.

Best of luck,
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busymom Aug 2018
It was very kind of you to take the time to answer this question. For those of us who take time to read many of these questions, and attempt to help those we can, having more professionals available on this site is extremely beneficial for all. Thank you for responding to LoriJo's concerns.
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I'm sure they have the right to turn people away for a felony or some felony's but I would hope they look at what the offense was and when. This doesn't sound like an offense that poses any possible threat to anyone, I mean there are all kinds of people out there with felony pot convictions for something that is legal now in many places. If this is truly a place you want to put your LO (I mean since you have to put him somewhere) I would hope they take all the facts into consideration. Since it was the woman who showed you around she could have just been someone lower on the totem pole or she could be the head of "admissions" I guess but I'm going to go with the thought that she doesn't have anything to do with the actual approval process and knows that having a felony is something that people can be turned away for so she let you know that, she's right and it's only fair to be upfront but what she doesn't know enough about is what they consider rejection worthy and what they overlook.

I agree someone who has served their time has served their time and particularly when it's been 30+ years with no offenses since serving that time they have paid for their transgressions. On the other hand if their is a serial rapist or someone who was convicted of murder and gun trafficking or something I am happy the facility I have my mom in for instance might be inclined to turn him away. That is not to say that someone can't turn their life around though so the offense, how long they have been out and what they have done since makes sense to consider. I mention rape and murder though because we know people with dementia/Alshimers can loose self control and the ability to reason as well as fall back to old behaviors so considering some loose inhibition without being felons these concerns could be valid in the case of someone convicted for violent crimes.
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My condolences that you are going through this and this diagnosis. I doubt that VERY seriously any prior record especially something that small will affect his admission. don't worry about that. and she really should not have mentioned they may deny him admission which is putting you in further distress. that was really rude of them.
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I would contact the ADA Americans with Disabilities Act. They deal with discriminatory acts against the elderly and disabled. They can guide you. Best of Luck.
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nbabinsky Aug 2018
Respectfully, I don't think this falls under the category of discrimination under the ADA or other type of prohibited discrimination based on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion, or national origin. These are called, "protected classes" facility can deny service to somebody somebody for having a criminal record. It's not a protected class.
Who is she? - as in "may deny him she said."

For me, the point is that the time was served and the conviction was from well over thirty years ago; and it's hard to see its relevance to the current situation. Keep your cool and make sure you're communicating closely and constructively with the decision makers; but on an optimistic note it wouldn't make commercial sense to turn away business on these highly technical grounds, would it?

I suppose, just musing, there could be concerns about access to prescribed medications...

... But then again, if those concerns are real then the facility needs to tighten up its medication storage and handling protocol.

Do you have a professional advisor (social worker, care planner, e.g.) helping you?
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connect with an elder law specialist and at the same time you're exploring admissions, have them, if they believe it necessary, expunge his record. I hardly think anyone with LBD is going to be a drug seller in a facility. And don't bring it up. Answer only what you're asked. If they try to do a records check it may not even show up. In fact, you could probably attempt to do a background check on your own to see if it does.
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Did you bring up the conviction, or did They?
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LoriJo Aug 2018
I did. Silly me! I had looked at a couple places before this one that informed me all facilities do a background check prior to admission, so thinking that this was the place I decided on, I wanted to be upfront and honest.
Facilities are NOT required to admit anyone, regardless of their situation. You may need to consult an attorney who specializes in this type of thing.
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The "she" was the girl that showed me around the memory care facility where I want to place him. I explained to her that it was 37 years ago but he never got in trouble again and it was representing to be a controlled substance, not something that would hurt the other residents. She said it wasn't up to her, but to the admissions department.
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Some states have laws that allow facilities to ban anyone convicted of a felony regardless of crime committed. For protection of the other residents.
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LoriJo Aug 2018
That's sad. Kind of a catch 22 because drugs probably made dementia possibility worse.
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I think that some states have laws about this, but, I would consult with an attorney in your jurisdiction to see if he can get an expunction of that conviction. In some states, after so many years, that is made possible. It might take awhile, but, I'd explore it.
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LoriJo Aug 2018
Thanks! I'm calling on Monday for them to start the admission process and if they do reject him I will definitely look into this!
I don't have direct experience with this.

I think you need to be forthright about this and explain what the conviction was for. And present evidence that he is not a danger.

Who is "she" who told you he might be denied a space?
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