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melvaq, the facility itself can ban anyone who upsets the patient or attempts to interfere with the POA. Someone who is constantly complaining but has no written proxy is considered disruptive. The facility will report the disruption and hope the POA agrees to keep them out. Try not to make decisions from third hand reports from afar. Go there yourself for a week and observe.
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POA or guardian?
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One of the nurses at the nursing home told her yesterday that if she even tried to call her friend that she was breaking the law and could go to jail. They do not like her friend because she calls them on their lack of care for my M-I-L. we live in another state and so does the person with the POA. She was the only one who could keep track of daily care of her. Now she isn't allowed there even tho MIL has told them she doesn't want her restricted. They said she couldn't override the POA's orders. We have tried to express our concerns with the place the POA put her, she had a feeding tube when she first was put there, and they didn't clean it properly and it got clogged in less than a month. Then right after we took her to her Dr to get it clean and checked out, somehow it "just came out" 2 days later. but was told it was none of our business, there is no love loss between my husband and POA. Our main concern is her care and well-being, she doesn't like it there and wants to leave, we have found a new place for her but have no way to pay for it without the POA's agreement since she has changed all the accounts and hasn't given my MIL the info. Had the nursing home confiscate her credit card and house key so she is stuck til we can figure this out.
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I had mom's POA. I would have moved heaven and earth to keep someone from mom whom I thought was harmful.

HOWEVER, I'm not sure I would have been successful. Her nursing home had a sign-in sheet. Sign in, list the patient you were there to see, and go about your business. Nobody was checking names.

If people have been told by this person that they're being barred from visitation, go there, act like you belong, and see what happens.
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