
I help my in-laws with chores like shopping, Dr appointments etc but I don't live with them. I heard I could get compensated for doing this. According to Eldersource I have to reside with them

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efranco, the vast majority of grown children who are helping out their parents or in-law do not get paid even if they are helping 24 hrs a day..... unless the parents or in-laws can pay you from their own savings account.

If your in-laws can pay you on an hourly basis at a rate you both can agree on, then you would need to draw up an "employment agreement", stating the number of hours you would be working and the hourly rate.

There would also be payroll taxes, so you would need to see if your in-laws would be paying those payroll taxes [there are companies that do that but there is a fee], or if you would pay the payroll taxes as an Independent Contractor.

Compensation through the State is more for those grown children who are spending all day taking care of a love one, and the love one is near poverty level. This is through your State Medicaid office, which is funding by us taxpayers. Payment would be limited hours and usually at minimum wage. The hours you spend right now I doubt you could qualify, and if your in-laws have funds they may not be able to qualify for Medicaid [which is different form Medicare].

Whenever I took my parents to doctor appointments, which felt like it was every other week, with back-to-back appointments, my parents had me fill up my vehicle with gas. I stopped the in-store grocery shopping and started to use on-line curb-side grocery pick-up. Made life a bit easier.
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I too think you would have to reside with them and be doing the actual care. Even if not living with them you would probably need to do the hands on care. Can they pay you to do this. A contract would be a good idea.

Just curious, why is your DH not doing some of this? Does he work and you don't?

If in-laws are low income you may want to check out "in home" Medicaid at your County Social Service Office.
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