
MyMy older brother lives with my mom next door and will not let me see her he will physically removes me and pushes me out if she even lets me in she can't talk or move very well and she has to write down anything she needs or wants. He does not wait to read it he just pushes me out that physically so she doesn't even have a chance to say anything or write it down her wishes and he does any physically he has assaulted me in the past what do I do except for and he has I do believe psychological problems from a hernia that leaks in his brain and I need him to have an evaluation and I know that he's assaulted by Brothers but my question is right now can you keep me from seeing my mom in her own home and he does try to talk her into it because it avoids an argument but he's verbally abusive easily in front of people but he's never been caught or charged for assault. My mom is a sound-minded body. And he makes it almost impossible to visit hero hover over you and harass you the whole time and interrupt and never let you even talk or have time alone I'll make you go away and my one but my little brother is having a hard time keep taking care of her and he's all alone and I want to help but my older brother makes it impossible and he just had my sister arrested unlawfully and lied to get rid of her. Hopefully we can turn this around and prove that he's assaulted her and that's why she's not quite right but right now it's really wearing and my mom just agrees at some point but it's my mom that it looks like it could affect her soon and I just you know if it becomes too much so just making me so tell me to leave because it's better that way and I don't so I don't get to see my Mom hardly at all but I can hardly ever talk to her and now that he's home all the time appealing from a hernia he's horrible but he harasses me but he's physically assaulted me and physically removed me from the house without her consent even when she said I could come over and he let me come in for 2 minutes and he does it all the time.

I agree with waytomisery. You need to call Adult Protective Services (there will be a statewide phone number listed online). You may also need to call your local police or sheriff's department.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Get a restraining order
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Reply to Oldestchild63

Next time your brother assaults you or anyone else call 911 and file a police report. Do that every time.
Then call APS and report the situation, and tell them that they can verify what you're saying by contacting the police to read the filed reports.
You can also call the police to do a wellness check on your mom, stating that you're concerned for her safety because your brother won't let you in the door.
Sorry you have such a dysfunctional family.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to funkygrandma59

Has anyone called APS ?

How about calling the police if your brother assaults you or anyone else ?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to waytomisery

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