I have a TBI and Bell's palsy.My TBI and Bell's were likely from the same injury. I attended culinary school AFTER my TBI, about 3-5 years afterward. Oddly for example I can smell an orange being peeled but they seem rather devoid of flavor recently. I am looking for a way to adjust. I have concerns over how this may effect me by no longer desiring certain foods anymore. I believe know that my desire for odd foods (e.g. overwhelming urge for beets, nuts, or certain fruits,) was possibly my bodies way of seeking certain nutrients.
As far as tastes everything is bland at best. I still have a sense of smell. I have found I can smell an orange quite well, but when I bite into it would best be described as an orange texture with 90% of it's juices replaced with water that's boiled and recondensed.(I.E. mineral free.) Orange juice now tastes watery (which isn't so weird,) with a saline taste that's a little soapy. I don't know if that helps. I am curious how it will change what I eat (and no longer care to.)