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Hi I'm a registered nurse and worked in a short-term Geri psych unit. We accepted MRSA patients but wouldn't put a second patient in that room. Every new patient had to get a nasal swab to check for MRSA upon admission. I think that is so the hospital didn't get sued later on if patient asympotmatic but has MRSA that hospital wouldn't be held responsible. That is in PA. But again, we would get patients with "change of mental status" and they were admitted and usually discharged in a week. I'm not sure about LTC facilities. Maybe they put MRSA patients together? If a patient acquires a hospital born infection the hospital is then responsible and costs them.
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Do you mean dhe has a MRSA-based UTI?

You need to be cleared by a doctor to be admitted into an AL in any state. I imagine the organization that yould answer this question is the State office that regulates ALs. Is that the Illinois Dept of Health?
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