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BPD isn't the same as Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
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I know what you mean about crafty. My mom is 82 and she is as clever as ever. People keep saying its dementia and alzheimer's. Of course these are people who didn't know her 25 yrs ago when she was first diagnosed and started on meds (or have lived with her). She may have a little dementia but she is way too crafty for someone with serious dementia related problems.
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So how do all of you cope when you get the crazy phone calls (the oh, I thought you were dead type)? I find they throw me into a tailspin each time and I have yet to come up with an effective way of shaking it off.

I can only admire all of your strength in dealing with your mentally ill parents in close proximity!!
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Oops, meant to say, "threw" out. You're right about lacking a manual. I didn't get one, either. Even my mom's doctors are scratching their heads about what to do. I keep looking to them, and they don't have the answers. How are we supposed to know? What a puzzle!
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I can truly relate to what you're saying, Stickykeys. I am struggling with my mom, as well. Just through out some obvious suggestions. Goodness. Mental illness is difficult to deal with, isn't it? Hope you find the answers you need. Thanks for sharing your story with us, and nice to "meet" you here. Ditto on the welcome!
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Dear Secret Sis,

Thank you for your kind words. I am just starting out trying to figure out this particular developing situation and appreciate any suggestions.

Unfortunately, there is no manual for how to help mentally ill seniors and society at large does not seem equipped to handle them.
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Thanks for the kind welcome lucy.

Unfortunatley, my mom does not want to go into any kind of assisted living situation and has no financial resources. After living in a group home for several years and being asked to leave, she moved to a nursing home. As she was not even a senior then and had a roommate who was 92, she was not happy and claimed that the people were stealing from her. My aunt moved her out on her own again a couple of years ago and has now decided to have nothing to do with her. No one has conservatorship and she will resist if I try to get something started. She is very crafty for such a sick person and keeps changing psych. doctors after short periods. I don't think anyone can get a handle on what is happening to her in a short time.
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Dear Stickykeys, sounds like a tricky situation. How can she be left to her own "devices"? Sad story. Hope you find some help for your mom. Does she need a Guardian? Assisted Living? It would be interesting to hear how she fares, and what types of help you find for her. Take care.
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Hi Stickeykeys, Welcome to the board. My mom has paranoid schizoaffective disorder (same thing as schizophrenia but without all the symptoms) and bipolar. She has been sick a long time too. She's 82 y/o and in an assisted living center as of a couple of weeks ago. Have you thought about placing your mom in one? Does anyone have conservatorship?
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Hello Ladies,

I can only admire you for your strength and courage. I was searching in desperation for information on helping mentally ill parents and came across this forum.

My situation is somewhat different as my mother is just now becoming an official senior citizen but has been mentally ill for as long as I can remember. She is a paranoid schizophrenic with a multitude of other issues to go along with that. Now she also has serious physical problems in addition to the mental ones.

The most frustrating part about this is that we live on different continents. She has no one where she is (because she has managed to alienate everyone who tried to be nice). My aunt, who lives at the other end of the country, has decided not to manage her money for her any more because she can not cope with the constant phone calls and stress.

I have one sister who also lives at the other end of the country from my mother who is barely able to cope with the multitude of phone calls because she also has her own mental problems to deal with.

Now I am wondering what I can reasonably do when I get the crazy phone calls to help from so far away. I suspect that she will not cope on her own when there is no one managing her money and telling her what to do and there is no one else to help.
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yipee you go girl have fun and splash and play
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Neon, sorry for the name mix up. Early onset, you know, :) lol.

Her appointment went well, probably because of prayer. But the burden of the meds was left with me, which I had just resigned to giving away to the health department. Since I made that transition, I am staying with it. I don't want it. In fact, I'm giving more away, maybe even the whole package.

But this afternoon, my son and I are going to the b e a c h, finally! We'll go up and set up "camp" at our favorite spot, while my husband works late. So nine year old and mommy are going on vacation (for the first time this summer) soon as I click the submit button. It's a glorious day, and I'm f r e e e e e e e !
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Also doing something for yourself doesn't mean that a teeny tiny piexw of yu doesn't care of course you care or you wouldn't be putting yourself through all this. But... small word big meaning She/He IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE THE ONLY PERSON YOU CAN CHANGE IS YOU. i AM NOT THE MARTYR LIKE MY MOTHER PRETENDS TO BE I DON'T WANT TO BE A MARTYR so I let her do her thing I will not allow anything to happen to her so it will fall back on me and if I see something I will step in but other than that she can do as she pleases, I am not giving up any more of my life to her than is necessary she has sucked me dry all my life and i will be 61 next month enough is enough I have a life to live and i don't want a bitter life, Jesus is there for us to intercede to God when we pray and cannot find the words, with utterings and groans rely on him he has helped me immensley. Gd bless us all everyone
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My mother is calling my father's doctors and changing his appointments so that SHE can take him (she has some control issues) However, she does not let anyone else know. Then she forgets to take him. Then the caregiver takes him and is told the appointment is not on that day. (We have the original appointment card for proof.) We are talking over sixty miles round trip here. Six months ago, I would be frothing at the mouth. Today, I'm just annoyed.
Tomorrow, I will be over it, because it will start again soon enough.
Mitzi is right, complaining just feeds our frustration. and Neon is right, find something more pleasant to do than thinking of your mom.
She owns you as long as you let her.
Give up trying to control her uncontrolable behavior, and give gaurdianship to the courts. Get your life back before she harms your health. My parent's aren't worth the physical problems they have caused me...which by caring so much, really, I caused myself.
My real family, the one I made, deserves me so much more. Yours does too. Cut mom her slack by cutting her loose. If a court mandated gaurdian is responsible for her, then you will not be to blame if anything happens to her.
I am the last person on the planet to say,"Die." but when it comes to my parents, they have sucked all the life force out of me. I am no longer trying my best. I only do what works, and that is not what they need. But neither one wants what they need. so, I let them be. I let my brother handle my mom the way he feels he needs to, He is not doing it very hard, but that is how they want it. so I let it be.
The thing that helped me the most was giving my worries to God. If it needs attention, then God will handle it the way it needs to be handled. Me becoming a wreck over it wasn't working. Give your burden to God and go visit Neon's Calgon country.

Have a better day and a calm week, and we know the anguish you are going through, we are not belittling it by offering suggestions, it is just thst these things helped us, and we hope that they will help you as well. My husband has spent 25 years trying to get me to understand that I can't change them. That they ARE happy. Mean, nasty, bitter anger makes them happy. But it eats us alive. I can handle that now. I got it through 'my thick head', as piratess said. Easier to say than do. one day something will click and you will have had enough of the frustration. The mother meter will be full and nothing more can be let in. I pray for you that that day will be soon.
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Well, SecretSis, and others... I get on these rolls complaining because it is what it is... OVERWHELMING and EXHAUSTING! No questions asked.

But I had a dear friend ask me once (regarding other areas of my life), "Do you pray about it as much as you talk about it?"

Fighting back speaking the complaints is hard enough. Try praying about it. Food for thought. ;)
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haha starts with a N ends with eon LOL
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Yee ha! Happy shopping :) tonight, Naus. Thanks, SS
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I fully understand this is my fourth go around both in laws and dad now my mother who is the worst. I do know it is difficult for them to give up their freedom as they once knew it and by no means am I defending your mother. It is a daily horror and walking on egg shells is not my way of living. I am full blast in everything I do I give 100 percent and than some. perhaps it would be better to give guardianship to somene else if there is someone else in my case their isn't. I would gladly turn this job over to someone else but out of their own mouths they want nothing to do with it I picked it up because I could not see an old lady alone but I am getting really ticked off with her snide remarks about me not wanting her here if I didn't believe me I wouldn't but there is no one else and I am not that cold hearted. Please remember it is HER disease not yours and you can control how you deal with it do not own her lying and acting. My mother once told me she wanted to be an actress and I just looked at her and said oh you aren't? she did not like that by any means but she now knows I am on to her and that is exactly why she stays in her room all the time. doesn't hurt my feelings onr iota. tonight is shopping night for her so it should be another trip to disney world I just can't wait. Another acting experience should call some studio, by the time I hump it all into the house and am exhausted, my arthritis is killing me my back hurts my hips hurt it will be whats for supper tonights menu .... what ever you feel like fixing. Yes the joys of caregiving
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My mom thinks I am "the problem," and that I am making up things to tell her Physicians. They won't directly confront her with the truth of their findings.

My mom bitterly complains about me and whines to her "friends" that I'm stingy with her finances (I call it conservative). She remembers (last March) having her own checkbook, total control, and little resistance, aside from dad. The court declared her incapacitated, and awarded me her Conservator/Guardian. But she's convinced I told the doctors lies about her, and they are acting on my "false information."

My mom's friends, also have convinced her there's "nothing wrong" with her, and that I'm "the problem." This is coming from many different angels. Her "pastor," church friends, small retirement community (apartment cronies), family members downstate, club members, etc. Evidence of this is the new button I found taped to the back of her door: "Insanity is hereditary; I get it from my kids." (I hardly doubt this is an admission of her condition, as much as an indictment against me.)

No one else, besides myself, husband, and sister thinks mom has a deficit, (aside from my Pastor, who's very famaliar with her NPD condition) and are fiercly defending her [against me]. My hubby thinks it's because she has no reason to stress around anyone else, and can perform for every other audience, as they only see her for social moments and short periods of time.

My perspective and gut instincts tell me that she's trying to have me removed as her Guardian for the very reason that we do know what's the "real deal" with her, and she "thinks" if I'm removed, she is "home free." She definitely sees me as a threat, and is trying to find any reason (including lying) to have me removed. All the cronies are enabling this thinking, just as "Amnon had a friend" (Jonadab). It appears their evil designs are winning at times.

She was hospitalized for an auto wreck in Jan 08, which led to documented "dementia/cognitive dysfunction." Several months passes, and her detremental medications decreased, and they recanted, saying perhaps that dementia may not be indicative. But I know different. I have invited several home to see what she's "really" like. They see her for 15 minutes at a time, in the midst of a rushed, busy schedule. How in the world can they possibly evaluate her in totality. These consultations took place before my appointment as Guardian, and she's convinced I am lying to her [fast forward] new physicians. (I switched doctors for her several times, until finding our present one.)

Though her current PCP said he thinks there's some dementia going on, I have yet to garner his written documentation to bolster my claim. This has been the case with other consulting physicians, as well. They verbally assent to certain diagnosis, but will not back it in writing. I find this grievous and frustrating. My prayer is that her astute Physician will put an end to that deficit today. We covet your prayers, as well.

I feel like I'm salmon swimming upstream, waiting for my eggs to be removed and die. This has been a horrible journey over the past 21 months. One Social Worker told me things will become much worse. O, the joys of caregiving!
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Let them believe what they wANT THEY'RE GONNA ANYWAY. Just try to do something for you that is calming claim the bathroom for an hour go to calgon country read a book light a candle play your favorite music close your eyes and go to your favorite vacation spot and thinnk of the last time you were there and ate at that perfect resturaunt, went to that comedy club or whaever brought you delight. let that be your time go window shopping plan something special for your family have a movie popcorn night play cards find something that immerses you so completely she is no where around you can do it I know you can its refreshing and this afternoon when I am taking my mother shopping and she is buying her 500 lbs of goodies and a bag of onions for me thats her concentration I will come home put it all away and flop on my fanny because i will be to tired to cook and immerse myself in chickapet land.
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Mine is the same We must set boundries this is the days I am availavle to go shopping trim it down to ONE unless its an emergency, Yes, everything should be documented. Try I know its hard to ignore her friends after all they aren't you and ask them if they would like to take turns sitting with their friend after all thats what christians do.
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Well, it's back to her Primary Care Physician tomorrow. He told me once that he thinks there's some dementia going on. My godly Pastor suggested I asked him to put that in writing tomorrow. He suggested that no matter what kind of scene she makes, ask to speak to him and tell him what's been going on. But so what if it's in writing? She's still running around loose, and hating me, and telling everyone I'm abusing her, etc.

Mom said she's sick of seeing "all these doctors." Well, so am I. And I'm sick of running to the store for her 3 times a week, and paying someone to transport her to doctors 5-6 times a month, and 3 different Physicians prescribing her medications. I'm sick of running into her suspicious, judgmental, critical friends, who don't know the whole story, and cooly look me up one side and down the other. I used to love my quiet little town, but hate what it's become because of moving her here. It's a place of pain and torture for me now. And I can't write what I think of her. I never met anyone so vindictive, cruel, conniving, or ugly. It's become a nightmare that I can't escape. I know one thing for certain: I hate mental illness.
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I agree Mitzi....if they DON'T get it...they can go fly a seems the folks that often have the big mouth about these types of situations, know nothing of experiences like we have had...NADA! And, you cannot let them get you down...they go home to a nice quiet homelife, they know nothing of the rattled nerves that we get to settle down with at the end of the day for having a parent that is disruptive to a normal lifestyle from the start.
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SecretSis, OMG yeah talk about barfing? Oh do I get it. The performances for every different audience is sickening to be quite honest.

I am like another here on the boards where I am fortunate enough to have the documentation and the people to help back me if necessary. Even though I may not be heard all the time, my husband is my confirmation in everything pertaining to mom. Why life works like that, I have no clue.

But the one thing I have going for me is that now I really don't give a rip what a person thinks. If they think they know better for mom, I let people go. The AL didn't necessarily believe me that it would take mom longer than 3 months to adjust. Well, guess what they believe one year later? Mom still isn't adjusted and they have to figure how to work around mom. Oh well! Now she's their problem as long as I pay the bills I personally could care less as long as she doesn't interfere with dad's daily living.

Do what you can, but I would just get to a point where I'm like believe me or don't. If you don't, you (meaning that disbeliever) can deal with the repercussions. Question is, can you handle those type of challenges. Take care hon!
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Secret Sis, Well you know how that works already don't you. She needs to be civil to outsiders due to the Vampirism does not work outside of the nest. Outsiders will not go for the meaness, the nastiness and deceit of the NPD mind. So therefore, for them to use others and become their NPD feed, they are civil to the outside world. For us who are their spawn, they heed to no such restrictions...they pour the full vent of their viciousness, we are expendable and YES we were trained to take it. And of course there is the underlying factor they they think in their rotted minds...THEY OWN US...LIKE CHATTLE. I know I am casting off my dog collar. You know how dogs can bite their owners if they are mean enough...well RUFF RUFF RUFF and crunch! WINK! ;-)
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Should I just barf? I had to pay a bill for my mom I really didn't want to pay. I called a lady to ask if I should pay dues to her Chapter up north here, where mom now lives, or downstate, where mom was a member for 50 some years. The lady just poured on the crap, saying, "She can do whatever she pleases. Just ask her what she wishes. We love to have her join our meetings. I'm the one who picks her up and takes her there. She's lovely!"

Lovely? Lovely? How can they be so blind? Or how can I be so wrong? This is absolutely insane! Either that, or birds of a feather flock together. I won't even tell you the organization, because it makes my skin crawl. Gotta go throw up now.
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Nature is good when I get the chance I paint gardens beach scenes the things that soothe the savage beast within Oh I forgot she lives in the other room ROLF you are all so precious Spunk is good to very good I call it hutzpah I've got lots of that to sometime too much for my own good. Like meeting a bear in wal mart LOL. Well If i get too much more off my chest I will have to go back to the bra section with training wheels. and swith that i bid you ado love and hugs to you all have a good evening neon
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Just checked: there are 1414 posts on the "Needing to Vent" thread. LOL Sounds like a lot of people need to get out of the closet and get some things "off their chests>" LOL
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LOL Sis...yep I'ma Spunky Piratess... ;-)
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I like dresses :) and gardens :)

Have a great afternoon and evening, ladies! Take care
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