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Sorry I hit send by mistake. Some people are to selfish and self-centered to help the caregiver. Again I say get help ASAP or you will have to walk away, before you get sick yourself. :) take care of yourself ! ! !
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YOU must not do this alone ! ! It will take you down. Get outside help. I am a caregiver and I hear your story over and over. If family won't help, ask friendsand or volunteer groups. Call Area on Agingin your area. Don't stop until you find help. Plz remember Caregivers are a "Special Breed" not everyone can handle it. But also some people are
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i've been at this for 16 yrs ive already lost it :-) W
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Just went to a caregiver support group and had a great speaker from Jewish Family Services. They are available to help regardless of religious belief. You DO NOT have to be Jewish. If they are in your area give them a call. They may be able to give you some advice. You are definitely NOT a whiner. I am heading into one year and have GREAT family/sibling support but it is still difficult. Good luck.
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Whiner? You've been the primary caregiver for 7 years with limited help and you are accusing yourself of being a whiner?

You're not a whiner. you are burned out and you deserve a break.

When is the last time you had a vacation? Took a day off? Etc...

My opinion is that you contact your Office of the Aging or Department of Social Services to see if you can get respite care.

Or does Mom qualify for assistance (ie: Medicaid). You may be able to get a home health care agency in to assist you.

You deserve it.
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American old people are selfish and think that somehow the grim reaper isn't coming for them. They are bankrupting the economy with their unreasonable demands. I suppose many children put up with it hoping for a payout in inheritance. My advice to you: it ain't worth it. Walk away.
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I admire you. My mother and I, much as I love her, could never co-exist under one roof. I wish you all the best. I would also consult an elder care advisor, if there is one in your community. They're a great source of ideas.
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After 7 years, you are certainly not a whiner! You are a hero! Have you considered residential placement for your mother? There is a limit to what anyone can do and it sounds as though you have done far more than most people.
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nope, Nope, NOPE. It's not just you. I'm in the same situation. One brother had his attorney send a letter that our mother would be arrested for trespassing if she even visited his home and, of course, he hasn't called or visited my home (my 85 year old mother has lived with my husband & I for 20 + years). And the other brother calls every few weeks but he's no help whatsoever. Its enough to drive you crazy, its as if you somehow have another child who will never grow up and leave.
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