This forum has been helpful in the past when I have questions about caregiving. The person I care give now used to terroize me with her teasing, gas lighting, put downs. I have managed to just ignore it and or not give in to it. but now, I am just burned out. The constant questions about her money, her food, guests who want to see her. and now I am just burned out. Her family finds her mean and difficult as well, and I am just contemplating moving out, giving notice, her brothers and sisters always tell me not to let her get to you….and they don't want to get involved. In all honesty it has me rather depressed. any suggestions? A letter to her family?
If room and board are "being held over your head," instead of being just part of your compensation package, you are not being appreciated. Let the family find someone else to take care of Grandma, or place her in a care center. Meanwhile, find other ways to support yourself, ways that include regular time off, holidays, vacations, and a limited number of hours per week. And give you a way to earn social security credits.
Perhaps you love Grandma. Good. Love her from a distance the way other family members do.
help, or social services. Move on from the no involvement family members. Even if you have some obligation here, it's not a healthy situation. Stay strong. Boundaries.
Ask a friend to take you in for a few days.
If your being paid to be a caregiver.You signed up for it and knew what your getting into prior.That's what you get paid those big bucks for is to take the abuse.If I got paid it wouldn't be so bad.But,I'm stuck doing this job for free because,I agreed without knowing before hand POAs can't accept payment.
It's your job as the caregiver to tell the family the issues without questions or doubts.You as caregiver has the right to stop being the caregiver.If you can't work with your client stop and move on to another that needs you more.It's best to talk it over with your boss.Attempting to work things out with a elderly with dementia is pointless.You'll never win that task.Report the issues you have to the family and explain to them something must be done before things become worse.You should enjoy the job you desired to do not hate your job.