
My 89 yr old mom is hallucinating more frequently. Usually every two weeks now and on the weekends. The pattern has been that she hallucinates for 2-3 days and then sleeps for more than 24 hours straight. It is very difficult to wake her up.

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My Mom had hallucinations every couple months that would last for 1-2 days...then she would sleep for a day or so. Then she was fine for a couple of months and all of a sudden this would begin again. During the last year and a half of her life she went through this probably at least 5 or 6 times. I would have her taken to the ER. It would happen at home, or then in the hospital or nursing home where she went for rehab. They usually treated her for UTI when this happened. It could have been from the UTI's, or from certain antibiotics I often wondered if it was "end of life" symptoms and never got clear answers as to that, and wonder if it could have been end of life if it spread out so long over a year and a half. It was normal to sleep after delirium for several days as she expended so much energy flailing about and grabbing at the ceiling, talking nonstop for 24 hours, etc. I had never heard of this happening to older people like this and it still confuses me as to what occurred and why, and why so spread out and for a year and a half on and off.
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This sounds very similar to what an elderly friend of mine experienced before he died. He slept excessively and toward the end he was definitely not in his right mind. He was in and out of the ER several times a week and then it increase to daily and then twice daily until he was forced into a nursing home where he died shortly after.
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If your mom has these hallucinations they may trigger adrenalin & the sleep afterwards may be a rebound from the lack of the adrenalin in her system as she 'sleeps it off'
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my husband is 94, i am 82. he has dementia, sleeps a lot and wakes disoriented and hallucinates frequently. he is incontinent and not able to stand or walk any more due to weakness in the legs. he does not participate in whats going on around him. he lives on Ensure and pureed food due to an esophageal diverticula.
otherwise he is healthy and takes no medications. how long can this go on?
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Mami1927, say more about your mom's condition! No, it is not normal. What is she like in between the episodes? Do talk to her doctor - get a geriatric neurologist or geriatric psychiatrist. There are medications that help the hallucinations like Risperdol (psychosis associated with dementia), but it sounds like there is something more going on there. Good luck!
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You may be moving to the final stage of Alzheimer's. Her death may be imminent, especially if food and water intake has dropped off sharply.
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What has her doctor said? If you have not yet, tell him/her (dr.) about these brain abnormalities.
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When my dad,was hallucinating it was because of urinary tract infections 89 years old also but he also had hallucinations when the doctor prescribed medicine for parkinsons some medications will do that
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Ask her MD if it is time for hospice. If she is sleeping a lot and losing weight, it may be time for that.
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It is not common for healthy elderly people to hallucinate for 2 or 3 days every couple of weeks. What is Mom's diagnosis? What do her doctors say about the sleeping?
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