e, about diabetes in general, he has been getting better about checking his sugar, and trying to be the clumsy person he is, and constantly getting hurt! things I know dont heal as fast as they would if he were not diabetic..... I have a house full of food that Now I am realizing, is killing him! Like carbs, sugary snacks etc,,,,,,,,,,,, I need some knowledge on this desease, as I have been so wrapped up in my moms, that I have sorta neglected his, not thinking, that it is as bad as it could be, he also has a very dirty job, which is fine, but now I see the importance of keeping hygiene a MUST for diabetics, I am on my way to the drugstore, until he see's his doctor on Tuesday, to get some topical yeast infection creme that I use, so he doesnt itch off his privates, also new toothbrushes, and glucose tablets, when he watches what he eats, and takes his sugar, it seems to help, but I cant make him remember to take his meds, etc,,,,,,,,,, I set up the trays and just hope he wont forget,
hugs sue
so excited that now I can help, they also have seminars just to understand things about diabetics, and what to look for, etc.........thanks again