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Good luck and let us know how things are with the two of you.... hugs to you...
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Thank you so much! This really made me look at things differrently. I needed that. He recently went form getting around all by himself to loosing his license this May. Thank you again!
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Things I have learned about the 'grouch" I take care of.... she is worried about many things, does not communicate those things and takes her stress out on everyone around her... She is tired and frustrated that she can not do the things she once could... she is on the last leg of her journey here on earth, and is worried about her husband who has Alz. and what is going to happen to him... She has MDS, and is not doing well....
I finally sat down with her, regardless of how uncomfortable she was with our conversation... and told her how much I cared about her... that I knew she was scaired of all the things she had no control over, that she still had value in this world... and that I really needed her to put her wall down just a little so that I could make her life a little more comfortable.... it took time for us to get to that conversation... but her and I are on good footing now...
Take a risk with him... you have nothing to loose..... think about what you want to say to him.... and mean it when you say it..... maybe nothing will change, but you have let him know you understand his fears and you are there to help him if he will let you..... it's very hard not to take the things they say personal.... but if no changes occur, then you will have to practice letting go of the things he says..... I pray for you both.... I never thought I would see this happen with M, but it has... so who knows ... sometimes they need validation just like the rest of us.... hugs to you and prayers for a good outcome...
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