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My dad went through something similar although not to the extent your dad is going through. But it was horrible to watch, heartbreaking, and exhausting. We know there's nothing to be afraid of but what your dad is going through and what my dad went through is very real to them. I used to imagine what it would be like to know that there are people in the shadows who are out to kill me but no one will believe me. It's the stuff nightmares are made of.

The one sure way to keep from going crazy yourself is to get some distance from your dad. Get away for a day or two or three. Is there anyone who can step in and relieve you for a little while? You mentioned a nephew. Is he able to stay with your dad for a few days? If not, my suggestion would be to take your dad to the hospital the next time he begins hallucinating. Tell the nurse that you need a break, you have to have a break. Tell the Dr. Ask for a social worker and tell the social worker. Get them to admit your dad for a few days so you can rest. Don't take no for an answer. I did this with both of my parents and I was able to get a few days off. Tell the hospital that your dad isn't safe at home when he's hallucinating and you would like him stabilized before he comes home again.

Val, you need a break. That's how you don't go crazy.
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