My dad has dementia, had a stroke 5 years ago is paralyzed on his left side. In the past 2 weeks he's gone even more bonkers... he will poop his pants 4 and 5 times a day. RIGHT after being asked to go sit on the toilet, and he tells me he doesn't need to go. POOP... there it is!
He's doing this weird eye thing... and panting. Not because he's winded just to pant. He will sit in a chair in a room by himself and open and close his eyes repeatedly... his eyes are always looking up when he opens them. This is just in the past couple of weeks.
He can't get off the floor by himself and I've hurt my knee so getting him up by myself is impossible, but he's started holding "meetings" in his room and he will slide out of bed onto the floor and then want to be picked up immediately. he will do this several times a day/night. I have told him time and time again he will be stuck there until I can get help getting him up. (he also poops himself trying to roll around to get to a phone to call people to come help him... cuz ya know I didn't think of that myself) my burn out is burnt out .. I asked my siblings for help a year ago and they refused, saying I manipulated myself into this and I can deal with it... (cuz I'm just sitting here eating bon bons all day and watching soaps while being catered to by all the staff) well its BAD now, and his social worker called them and TOLD them it was BAD, and they come in NOW and are taking over and telling me whats what and how I need to do things.. WTH?? Where were you when it was just starting to slide? How in the HEdouble toothpicks am I the bad guy when you both sat back on your laurels and did NOTHING when I told you it was starting to get bad and now when its finally there you show up and give "advice" on what I should have done... BULL! sorry for that tangent...
about the behavior... what of all that is dementia and what is him being a pain because he can?
Only a doctor is going to be able to figure this out. People can have more than one type of dementia. With your dad's stroke history, he could have developed vascular dementia. He could also have Alzheimer's or another type. I'd say that his behavior is likely from dementia, but it could be worse because of medications he's taking or an infection in his system. He really needs to see a doctor to get this figured out.
You are having to cope with too much. It may be time for your siblings to see that your dad needs professional care which likely means a nursing home or hired in-home care. Since you have a social worker who can back you up, she or he should be able to help you through the steps of getting this accomplished.
You siblings have no right to sit around criticizing you unless they take over the care or actually help. It seems that a family meeting with the social worker or some type of non-family mediator is in order. Something has to be done to either get professional help in the house for you or get your dad into some care center.
First things first, however. A checkup with a neurologist for your dad seems to be at the top of the list.
Please check back and let us know how you are doing,
Dementia very often reaches a point where it is not possible for one person to safely manage the situation 24/7. I'd say it has reached that point with your dad.
Do see the neurologist. Perhaps there is something treatable going on, in addition to the dementia. Perhaps some medications can help control some of the symptoms. But please, please, be prepared for the possibility that Dad needs to be in care center, with round-the-clock staff trained to deal with these issues. The social worker can help you sort out Dad's options.