The quality of care, administration and caregiving in our once wonderful community has changed and not for the best. There has been huge Administrative and staff bail out as well as with the higher functioning 'family' patient people. Dad is the only one left, high functioning with the Alz and notices these changes. He wants to move as well but I just can't face it. He has been there 5 months and Mom died from there. Even the food has gone down hill. What should one do??
If there are better choices, I'd at least check them out. Sometimes taking baby steps makes things doable, when looking at the whole picture is too much.
Take care,
It may be hard to move him but like Carol says, it will be harder to watch him suffer and then you get to live with the quilt that will come even though you know you don't deserve any guilt.
I like what sak said... hire someone to help you with the stuff. The phone calls you can make and you can have a week of free lunches to boot!!
is your dad able to get in the car with you and go to lunch? If you are working full time and YAY if you are, lunches on Sat and Sun? til you find the right place?
I know it looks like an insurmountable task.... one phone call at a time, that's all you have to do to start...
good luck and keep us posted. This site will keep you sane!
I understand how important stability and familiar surroundings -- bittersweet memories included -- are for someone with Alzheimer's. No doubt you're disheartened by the crumbling of a community that offered comfort and continuity, but the bottom line is that this is about your Dad and what's best for him. Start shopping for another place that offers the services he -- and you -- were accustomed to.
Good luck my friend, and keep us posted.
-- ED
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