
I am 51, and feeling dragged down by my mothers constant references to her ill health and daily dramas. Neither parent owns a home. My dad lives in a rented flat, my mum in a rented flat, but with semi care professionals around her. I live inbetween both of them, and travel around 50 miles a week vistiting each one. As any only child, I feel resentful now at 51, as my mum has been ill with nerves and various illnesses (some overexagerated) since I was born. Now at 80, she is genuinely in a bad way and in a wheelchair, with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and dad sufferers with new illnesses now also at 80. Any ideas on keeping sane? I feel emotionally burnt out, as this feels like I have been worrying forever. Mum used to try and kill herself when I was a child, I have always had to calm her down, help her. I feel drained. much appreciated.

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thank you pamstegma you make sense, and I need to let go of guilt training... over the years. no I am in the u.k. and we have a huge housing issue over here...
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Sounds like Mom needs long-term care. Since u say "Mum", are u living in US?
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Visit each one once a week, no more. Take phone calls once a week, no more. Let it go to the answering machine. Get on with your life, you need to, to survive.
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