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Leave. Immediately. Contact APS and tell them that you are needing to move because you cannot bring a newborn into this toxic environment.

And move. Right now!!!!!
Helpful Answer (6)
Breannacares25 Jul 2020
Yes we definitely have everything set to move however covid has some things on hold which is super frustrating. I live in south florida which is not the epicenter and we paid someone who is now out of town and can't give us the property right now. Smh only in florida.
Why are you still there? Get the heck out!!!!
Helpful Answer (8)
Breannacares25 Jul 2020
Covid 19. The apartment is paid for .... Owner is out of town with the keys (its a privately owned cute little apartment) he manages himself so its a waiting game at this point.
Ive actually booked and airbnb for a month just in case when baby is born. I can't even fathom coming back here with my sweet baby.
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