I’m long distance from folks who are in assisted living. Both have dementia, mom is really going downhill mentally and physical.
Staff took her to dentist today as she was complaining about a jagged tooth. Dentist said all her teeth but two need pulled, decay, broken etc. They will send her to oral surgeon for consult then surgery at a later date if I as POA authorize it. Then would need dentures fitted etc. Good Lord......
I talked to dental assistant and nurse at AL. Dangers are abscesses, infections etc. can’t do root canals if she would get an abscess cuz not enough of the teeth left.
At this time there are no abscesses or infections.
I didn’t see this coming. Mom’s quality of life is about .1%. I can’t imagine putting her through the horrors of all these procedures. But if I don’t, will she die of some horrible infection? Im an evil neglectful son? I’m wondering how long she has left. Should I let nature take its course or do this crazy intervention?
AL nurse, good guy who I trust, suggested going through with the consult with oral surgeon and holding him/her to absolute minimum necessary. But even that would be so traumatic for her.
Sorry this is so long, but kinda freaked out here......
Removing all teeth for the heck of it is plain stupid. Any that can be fixed should be which can be done under local anesthetic and extractions done with anesthetic.
Each case is unique ut unless someone is actively dying every effort should be made to treat the problem without going overboard.
Good Luck and hang in there. You are not a bad son, this is a very hard situation we find ourselves in.