My mom moved in after divorcing her unfaithful husband. She can be the sweetest and most loving woman until you cross some imaginary line. She has taken control of everything in my home, if I say anything even in the most calm and loving way, she automatically assumes I want her gone. She has embarrassed the kids a number of times with her bitterness, she has no filter and says whatever she wants. She has tiny little hissy fits, which mostly involve a lot of yelling and cussing. She is extremely hard on my 15 yr old, and I think it's starting to depress her. Her comments can be cruel and heartless. Her apologies are angry. I feel trapped in my home. If I don't report in throughout the day then I am 'just making things harder on her'. I don't know what to do. I can internalize the frustration and hurt she causes me, but how do I help my children? they want her to move out.
It is a fantastic thing to overcome fears and weak behaviors, to conquer monsters.
Belive me, depending on the person however, those screaming matches only last for so long until they are right back to their old selves. I had some money saved from work and told my mom I was moving out. My grandmother finally went back home to her husband where she should have been.
Don't lose your daughter through this. When your mom is long gone, your daughter and possibly your future grandchildren will be in your life. My mother did everything but lay down her life for her parents and it was never appreciated. If something doesn't change, your daughter will only grow to resent her grandmother and that is some sad baggage to carry around. I know.
Your daughter will Never Forget if you act like a wimp around your mother. She will make sure she is nothing like you when she grows up. She will not forget that you allowed your nasty witch of a mother to attempt to destroy her soul.
If she's anything like me--sensitive, observant, empathetic-- these are the facts.
Lay down the law or you lose a lot more than you know.