I do not own and homes or stocks have no saving accounts . My poor wife has been with dementia for 7 years but now she is refusing to take her pills or diabetic insulin,Is been very combated lately. sometimes its hard to understand her, please help me get some help thank you John
Second thing, if that doesnt work, if you have done estate planning, and happen to have a trust, if some or all of a persons paycheck is paid to the trust, then it counts as property. MediCAL looks at income, there are certain limits to the amount of property a person can have and it gets too confusing to explain on paper here HOWEVER, if she is over 62 and the household INCOME is low enough, she (or both of you) may qualify for mediCAL based on age.
So the purpose of the trust is for avoiding probate, yet a side effect of having one is that at some point paying for long term care becomes necessary.
In Sacramento there is a caregiver support group called del oro. .they have people you can talk to about your specific situation. They go by county, so they may refer you to a similar place if you are in a different county.
IF mediCal Says that you qualify without a share of cost, there is a program to get some help with in home support. If you DO have a share of cost, that might not be the case....however, having MediCal already in place will make it easier to qualify for assisted living programs later on down the road.
Im just talking generally here, as its very specific to each persons circumstances. In our case, I am on MediCal on my own, with my own medicare duue to disability. My partner has medicare and we are both on his calpers retiree supplement. I have MediCal because my income is way way low. His trust qualifiees him for mediCal based on his age and income. Hope this helps.