Is that after a proper skin evaluation. Does the doctor uses any risk assessment tools like braden or waterlow scale to asses the risk before prescribing a product to use in place ? Or is it after a pressure ulcer is formed at least an stage 1 ulcer. Just because of my curiosity,
And when the Nurse orders a piece of equipment it is delivered the same day!
We did go from one type of mattress a memory foam alternating pressure mattress to a mattress that has just air chambers and the firmness and the way the air flows can be changed and it can be set so the bed is either always full of air or it alternates. I am sure if there was a question she would contact the doctor who would then approve a different type of mattress.
If you doctor knows what is going on and you call and say that there is evidence of pink at pressure points an evaluation would probably not be necessary and a mattress would be approved.
Pink spots at pressure points is considered a Stage 1 pressure ulcer. You do not want to wait until you get a fluid filled pressure spot before action is taken.