I am 70, have type 2 diabetes. I can no longer take metformin. Because I am 70 I would have to pay full price no help from insurance. I will no longer get insurance after the first of the year. I will start Medicare. Is there a program to help with this?
address the drug issues with your physician. Good Luck.
I cannot understand why some politicians would want to keep scaring their constituents, especially elders, in the name of gathering one more vote to keep them in office. Same with many of the political talking heads who are just paid *entertainers* making multi-millions in salary.
The simplest solution would be to reduce the cost of medical treatment, but the last 20 years has taught us that isn't going to happen. The way things are going now, more expensive things, like designer drugs, may become reserved for those that have the money to pay. The rest of us may have to settle for what insurance will cover.
I don't know how things will end up, but I do see how we got here.
I'm surprised that you aren't already on Medicare but maybe you had better drug coverage under your old insurance. Medicare D is improving but still has a long way to go. Still, it's better than nothing, so if your doctor says that the drug isn't bad for you then it's time to find which Medicare D program (it's done through private companies) is best for you. The research is time consuming but it would be well worth checking out several reputable providers.
I do hope that you can find something that helps you without doing you harm. Please keep us posted.
What I would like to see personally is for each person to be careful with their use of Medicare. Many, though not most, do go to the doctor too much and take drugs that aren't necessary. My mother was majorly guilty of doing this. Her feelings were that it was something she had paid for with her work and premiums. She didn't realize how much she was costing the system.
It is a complicated issue on how to cut costs and keep the quality of care up. The nation couldn't keep going the way it was. (Now if Washington would just stop having all those multi-million dollar parties for each dignitary that comes in.)
Most insurance companies have their own formularies which is a list of drugs they are willing to cover in full or in part and the more expensive or new/unusual drugs may require special permisssion. Where possible generics are prefered and have the lowest co-pays. When you reach the donut hole and are using a non generic you will be required to pay a very high percentage of the cost which can run into hundreds of dollars. Many people offset this cost by obtaining their medications from Canada where the cost is much less or from Europe. In both area the standards for drugs are similar to those in the US and although it is frowned upon it is legal to do it. Overseas pharmacies will still require you to send a valid Dr's precription with your order. Beware of very cheap prices from some overseas suppliers. The drugs may or may not be actually harmful but could contain less of the active ingredient than expected. There is usually an older generic drug available for most conditions and because it has been in use for a long time there is less likely to be unexpected side effects. Many insurance companies may require you to try a tried and true generic before they will pay for a new drug. It is well known that greater care has to be taken when prescribing for older patients and 70 seems to be the cut off age because the liver and kidney functions of this population tends to decline and they may need lower doses or a different combination of meds. Older people also tends to have more than one disease being treated so it is important for the Dr to be careful when prescribing. This is why you are asked to take a list of current medications, vitamins and suppliments to every Dr appointment. it is also wise to have prescriptions filled at the same pharmacy so the pharmacist can look out for undesirable interactions. Adding illigal drugs and alcohol into the mix can also wreak havoc in a treatment plan. I agree some Drs can appear to be brain dead but on the other hand they are terrified of being sued or loosing their licenses.
I also think that it is a very bad idea that drug advertising is allowed to continue. like any other advertising it is aimed at making money rather than treating patients and many people feel they should be allowed to have what they percieve as the latest and best.
Another concern I have about these medications is that many people with diabetes are not good at management. Some people eat what they want, then take some extra insulin or other medication trying to make up for it. This is a deadly game. Would the person who does this use this class of drug to excrete the extra they eat? Water and minerals are lost along with the glucose.
I really dislike that the Farxiga ad tagged on that it may help you to lose some weight. I REALLY dislike that pharma is allowed to advertise serious drugs to people who have no medical training. The companies want people to mention the drug to their doctors to encourage them to prescribe it. Of course, these drugs cost more because of advertising costs. And in the case of Farxiga, pay will soon be out of pocket only.
Invokana is new and heavily hyped, but it may or may not be a not be a great choice for you. My mom was tried on piaglitazone, at my request, which flopped because her heart could not handle the fluid retention; but then her doc tried her on Januvia instead and she did a lot better. YMMV with any drug. There are other things to try that will be covered for you. Wish it was easier, but you need a really good diabetes doc who will not settle for the status quo if the status quo stinks. It is worth the trouble to delay or prevent diabetic complications at any age. YOU are worth the trouble!! Don't settle.
Glad your body was telling you not to use Metformin... you have to go with your gut feeling about any drug you take.... from research I am seeing, Metformin looks like it could cause B12 deficiencies to which B12 supplements don't help... thus with B12 deficiencies it can cause a variety of different ailments. Have your doctor check you for low B12 just to be on the safe side... not everyone who used said pill will run into this situation. Get more info from your doctor.
As for Medicare, check to see if Medicare will cover your prescriptions, it depends on what *Parts* you have signed up for... I know for myself I am using AARP UnitedHealth for my prescriptions and the premiums are quite affordable.
Curious why you waited until you were 70 to get Medicare. My Mom waited until she was 69 and found out she had to pay a higher monthly premium because she delayed in signing up. I don't know if that is still the case as that was over 25 years ago. Hope not. The reason my Mom waited was because she was getting good health insurance through Dad's employer and Dad was 4 years younger than Mom.
When my Mom had her meds with her local Walgreens, they were VERY helpful, this way, but I suspect other will also this, too.
ADW gets diabetes meds thru Medicare/Medex/drug plan
But, assuming it is as the doctor says, does that mean you will be eligible in January, when you are covered by Medicare? That means you would only have two months to cover. Does the doctor have samples that could get you through? Did the doctor tell you how to contact the drug company? Some of them help out, and it would be worth trying that for a couple of months.
I wish you success with this issue, and I am glad that you will have drug coverage soon.
It seems terrible that you can't change because of your age. Isn't that discrimination?