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sorry to hear they are dismissing you. it seems that the ones that help, etc., are the ones that are mistreated by being dismissed or verbally accused of stuff.  I haven't had this happen, but I have had family cut me off when speaking just to say something to someone else in the room.  Not sure if intentional but I just stop talking and when asked what was I saying, I reply "it doesn't matter" and just let it go.  do I get upset later, yes......I guess you leaving was good for you.  IF they ask the next time why you left, just let them know that it appeared they didn't need you there since they ignored you.  Unless you want to try what they do to you.......when they start talking to you, either pick up your phone and call someone or whatever, turn around is fair play..........OR have they always been like this?  If they have, you won't change it now.  Maybe just leaving will save your sanity.  OR just go to do the "duties" and then leave.  I wish you luck on this
Helpful Answer (4)
Daisy9 Jan 2021
My dad loved to argue. I finally told him when he tried to start an argument I would leave. He tried it a few times and I left immediately. It worked.
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Stilltired - Yes, I did. My parents got used to me being around. Not much changed from day to day. However, when my siblings came over or called, there was a little more excitement from my parents. Of course, unlike me (because I spent a lot of time caring for my parents), THEY had actual lives! Things going on! New things to talk about. When they came to the house to visit, they were treated differently. I began to resent it. I felt like they got the ‘fun’ visits with my parents while I got the ‘work’ visits. I felt like we were a family divided in some ways. Sometimes I felt like my parents and I were the core family while my siblings were more like distant cousins or friends of the family. They came for the ‘fun’, none of the work. But ultimately, even though I am still angry about a lot, I feel that over all those years I developed a much closer bond to my parents than my siblings ever did. (That happens after years of wiping someone after incontinence accidents, when you bathe someone, feed someone, etc.) I’ll always cherish that.
Helpful Answer (4)

Yep. My sister and I are handling my mom's situation now after our dad died from COVID in September. She lives nearby and I live three hours away, but I think we have an even and fair split of duties.
Our brother is totally worthless.
Instead of just being angry, we sent him a list of a couple of tasks we'd left for him (cleaning out our parents' basement--no rush) months ago and never heard back.
So we've given up.
But when he swings by occasionally, unannounced, for 20 minutes, he's the golden child. (He lives several states away--a move he'd made, unannounced, a year prior, when our parents were already in bad shape and my sister and I were already handling their care.)
Mostly, we just say it is what it is, but I don't see our relationship with him as ever being repaired.
Helpful Answer (5)
disgustedtoo Jan 2021
I have TWO worthless brothers!

One lives several states away, but always has since his first real job. He would, once in a while, come for a week or so to visit.
The other lives about 40+ minutes from where we moved mom to.

Almost TWO years of my life gone clearing, cleaning and getting mom's condo repaired so we could sell it. Despite asking for help, maybe 3-5 random weeks OB came up to "help". YB was mostly absent. I only recall one time he happened to show up when we were there. My former son-in-law helped much more than they did.

When checking out MC places, both got sticker shock and said for that amount of money THEY'D take her in! Sure they would. During OB's last trip here, almost 3 years ago, we visited together once when he arrived. I sent him up one morning to bring DD coffee and donuts and visit her. Maybe 10-15 minutes? When I tried to suggest he visit again, knowing once he goes home he isn't likely to travel up to see her, he refused. He "didn't know what to do with her." Just be there? Listen to her repetitions? If you'd seen her reaction when she realized he was there that first evening, OMG, second coming!!! And this clown couldn't spend 10-20 minutes with a mother who adored him???? I'd always get "What're you doing here?" or "Where'd you come from?"

The other initially visited a few times, but mostly prompted by me (some special occasion or event they were having.) I got tired of asking/texting over and over again to see if he would attend, as they wanted head count. I didn't care one way or the other if he went, just say Yes or No dammit! Actually I did care, for mom's sake. It was so annoying I just stopped asking. As best I can tell, he stopped visiting. I didn't care that she treated them like some long lost soul, but it DOES irk me that they more or less put her out of their lives. She would sometimes ask if I'd seen or heard from one or the other. I could only reply, no, not recently. Eventually she stopped asking. THAT says it all! Even though I was locked out since March, she STILL knew who I was - staff members would be engaging with her and in talking about kids, when I was mentioned she would say "Oh, her and those CATS!"

Relationship to repair? Not for me. OB sealed his fate by revealing that the obnoxious abusive brother from long ago was still that obnoxious abusive jerk during that last trip here. I draw the line with the physical abuse. Verbal was bad enough, but geez, you're a grown man, how can you possibly think this is ok? Oh, right, because you are some kind of narcissistic mean vile person underneath that jovial persona you present to everyone. I did find out I'm not the only victim. YB is also on the eviction list. Different reasons, but I really can't deal with such an imbecile anymore! Too much to get into here, just suffice it to say I've had it.

Once the paperwork is done, the ink is dry and the last of the remaining funds distributed, be gone, the both of them! I do NOT need people like that in my life.
So many answers on point! I am wondering also if two-tiered responses by Mom were always present but magnified now. Also, wondering if Mom is unconsciously embarrassed by the knowledge you have about her and her 'private' affairs, be they her naked body and/or her financial affairs and/or worries. Is she wondering whether when you see her you see her nakedness? Wondering if others see her only as the Mom who dispenses wisdom and love. I very much agree what you must protect yourself despite it all, what ever the reason. Wishing you well as you take care of yourself and your Mother.
Helpful Answer (4)
Stilltired Jan 2021
Nakedness has not much to do with it, Mom was fine with that when she needed assistance that way, which was not often. It’s not that kind of thing, but thank you for answering.
I see it as a transitioning of roles and have learned that what I am to my mom is what she needs,,,,a stable, dependable, constant in her life that takes care of things. I am the one who moved back home to take care of her. I have a sister who calls her daily from out of state and a brother who visits her from out of state every 4 months or so, both of whom she LOVES to have visit. She does see and treat them differently because the situation with them IS different. The caregiver roles are now reversed with her and I and I’m sure it’s not easy for her. I can tell when she wants company and when she wants me to leave. She doesn’t treat me poorly in my mind, but as an 86 year old with ALZ I do get the confusion, accusations, temper tantrums, etc that my siblings do not. My dad passed away with ALZ 10 years ago so I’m better prepared this time. It doesn’t make it any easier, but I know it’s only a temporary time in my life and am trying to do what’s right by her. It’s a daily attitude adjustment for me,,,sometimes an hourly one! I control my mind, not her, and my mind controls my attitude.
Helpful Answer (6)

My opinion only is that they feel safe with their relationship with you. They feel they need to put more work into those not around much. It doesn’t feel good but it’s human nature to take things for granted. People for granted. It’s the ones they are not seeing or talking to often that they’ll put that extra effort into for fear of losing that relationship forever. Life sucks at times!!
Helpful Answer (5)

Personally rather than just accepting it and getting upset, you should broach the subject with them. Be honest and tell them your feelings. Explain to them what you just explained to us. Most likely they are just taking you for granted like an old shoe.
Helpful Answer (4)

You've received some great advice here, and ideas that you can consider using. Do what you are comfortable doing for your parents, and set boundaries as to your limits. Stick to those limits and make your parents aware of the fact that you have things you need to do, too. I have a mother that has always talked about herself and sees me as an extension of herself, annoyed whenever I don't do what she asks because it's not a good idea or not in her best interest. Be yourself and accept the fact that your parents aren't respectful and spend as little time with them as you need, especially when they are rude. Reward them when they are treating you with the respect you deserve, and see what happens. They seem very transparent, and you can use this knowledge to help them but also protect yourself and your feelings. Good luck to all who are caregivers, especially when we have uncooperative and/or unkind loved ones.
Helpful Answer (4)

I was my family’s only daughter AND Cinderella:I was expected to help at home, while my 2 brothers got to “ go to the Ball”! They may even know deep down how they’re treating you & may feel guilty for it. Stop trying so hard for their respect & approval, & stand up for yourself! If that makes them angry, it’s better than their abuse or disdain.
Helpful Answer (4)

Yes, same here in our family. I think the caregiver is usually least favorite. In my opinion they deserve the most thanks, but will probably never get it
Helpful Answer (10)

I don’t think that it makes a bit of difference if you cut back.

Some parents pick their favorites and that’s that.

They let it be known that the others are the favorite and if you call them on it, they will deny it profusely and become annoyed that you brought it up.

In other words, you offended them, and they could care less if they hurt you.

They will want you to feel as if you are wrong to question or point out their behavior.

It’s very common in many families. It usually doesn’t change.

We have no power to change others behavior. We can only change our reaction to it.
Helpful Answer (14)
Stilltired Jan 2021
I did cut back, way back. I’m only there when necessary now and it’s been this way for months. Pretty much everyone else works and I’m currently unemployed due to the pandemic, so I still do what is absolutely needed, like taking Dad to appointments and assisting with laundry (their machines are in the basement). I help them with other things like finding resources. Recently, I applied for caregiver assistance for my Dad through the VA so that Mom could earn a stipend for the daily care that she gives Dad. He can be quite difficult.
I think that some people misread dismissive as nasty - they are not nasty to me. When I walk in, it’s “could you check the laundry?”, that kind of thing. Kind of treating me like a hired hand but without pay. When others come, it’s a visit with courtesy. I think that many are right when they answered that the others who visit infrequently are treated like the prodigal son because my parents may fear that they won’t come back if required to help out. Whatever it is, it is not pleasant.
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Consider yourself "white noise", as in when something is always around or heard, one tends to ignore it.

This goes for being ignored and being abused. They tend to take it out on those they see most, and those who are rarely seen or heard from become elevated.

When my mother was still living in her condo, she would often comment that my OB called EVERY Sunday, emphasis was hers. Didn't matter that I called many times/week or stopped in to help. It was irksome, but I didn't let it bother me. It was more important to me that I knew she was taken care of.

After moving her to MC, my general greeting was (and I would voice it along with her!) "What're you doing here?" and "Where'd you come from?" I would either ignore it, or give a flip response, like Pluto or Jupiter, and one time asked if she wanted me to leave. OB was not local, so he wasn't around much, even before the dementia kicked in. YB was the go-to when she needed something fixed, also well before the dementia. Her place was on my way to/from work, so I would sometimes stop in to check on her or take care of something. When I was laid off, this more or less became my "duty."

So, the last time OB came up to help with the condo (neither brother did a whole lot, most of the clearing, cleaning and repairs were done or coordinated by me, almost TWO years of my existence), we went together for a visit the first evening. I got the usual "greeting" and when she turned and saw him, you'd think it was the second coming! Fawning, ooohing and aaaahing over him!

The saddest part is after sending him up alone one morning to deliver coffee and a snack from DD, he couldn't handle it. How do I know that? When I suggested he go visit again, during a down time of condo work, he REFUSED to go, saying he "didn't know what to do with her." NO personal contact after that (I didn't set her up with a phone as she couldn't manage it and couldn't hear very well, if at all, with it) other than sending cards and dumb pictures of a place he was building. Over 2.5 YEARS.

YB also wasn't one to visit. I would text him to ask if he was going to various special events/meals they were having, as they needed a head count. All too often I wouldn't get response, even after several attempts. I finally just stopped asking. I only wanted a yes or no, and wasn't "judging" him if he chose not to go. However, mom would periodically ask about them, if I'd seen them or heard from them. I would brush it off, just saying no, not recently. Because of memory loss, eventually she stopped asking. THAT says a lot. She still knew who I was, even after the lock down when I wasn't allowed to visit. Discussions with staff, she knew me, as she would often say "Oh her and those CATS!"

It REALLY irks me that those 2 couldn't be bothered to visit their mother. Bad enough they didn't really help, but not caring enough to go visit is just so sad. Now it's too late. I am thankful that they weren't the type to interfere. Much as it would've been nice to have some help, at least they didn't get in the way. I gave up on both years ago. Now, it's more work for me to get all that needs to be done finished, and even though there's no work to be done, just tell us how you want your share, they are being difficult! When the paperwork is dry and the accounts empty, I am DONE with them!

Be comforted that you know what you are doing to help them and be there for them. If nothing else, the fact that you have become "white noise" in a way implies that they are comfortable with what you do and know that you will be there for them. If the others don't help and don't really visit, that's on them. If they have a conscience, they'll have to deal with that when the times comes.
Helpful Answer (4)

Yes. Almost everyone has something similar to share, I think.

The nub of it is that other people/family members are New and Interesting and you are always there and unnoticed, or even possibly felt to be hanging around longer than strictly necessary.

Being taken for granted in this way does leave a bitter taste in the mouth but it is very difficult to find effective but proportionate ways to change their attitude.

You could - could you? You know them and I don't! - be blunt and say to them "I feel very taken for granted, sometimes, and I do mind." Leave it there and give them time to digest that point. Then when they, for example -

ignore you
look baffled
deny all responsibility
blame you for not being more understanding
make excuses or even
take to heart what you've said and show more appreciation

- any of which are possible, you will see more clearly where you stand.
Helpful Answer (5)
Harpcat Jan 2021
This is exactly what I recommended she do. Speak up for herself and lay the cards on the table
Read the post about family scapegoats. Welcome to the club.
Helpful Answer (8)

This post did me a lot of good knowing other primary caregivers are treated the same. My mother(84) and my husband's aunt(92) both elderly and have dementia. They are both spoiled and are lucky to still be living in their homes.
We are treated like the hired help.
If my mom's food delivery has to make a substitution she is told my sister chose the alternate food. If it were me she gives me hell.
It just gets really really tiring and old. I have backed off checking in so much and communicate with their sitters instead.
Helpful Answer (3)

You are not alone. My husband and I are caregivers for my mother, and my mother treats me the same way. She can talk and carry on a conversation with everyone but me. She will ignore me when I ask the simplest question. It hurts and I just don't get it. There have been times I've been so angry and frustrated with her, that I stay away from her, and tell my husband he has to take care of her. I'll start back helping the next day. I have noticed when I back away from her, and I do absolutely nothing to her, her attitude is different the next day, a little better. The niceness doesn't last long tho. I'm going to take the advice from AlvaDeer, and leave her alone when she's nasty. I have feelings and I deserve better. My mother receives the best of care, and wants for nothing. We as Caregivers deserve better!
Helpful Answer (6)
penniesforlove Jan 2021
Amen to that!
My mother treats me exactly the same way. Less respect then a servant. Nice as pie to other people. Right as rain to my siblings too. She is not capable of having a conversation with me or even a civil word. The closest she comes to a normal conversation with me that isn't about complaining or how she has more illnesses than any person in history, is start carrying on about politics. Of course I have the burden of being her caregiver as well. She never cared for me my entire life, so it's not new. You're not alone. This happens all the time.
Helpful Answer (11)
Stilltired Jan 2021
My Mom & Dad talk with me, it’s just that their first concern when I’m around is what I can get done, especially my Dad.
Their first concern when others stop by is “how are you?”. Hence I only go when necessary. It has upset one of my sons as he thought that I was abandoning them. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am not enabling them and leave everything that they are capable of doing for them to do. I only do what is absolutely necessary.
my mom Treats me the same way
Helpful Answer (2)

I would start backing off. Let them call you when they need something. If you can't do it or don't want to do it suggest they call another child, if that is possible. If Mom calls and asks where have you been, be honest and tell her that they seem fine when your there to do something for them but when you just come to visit your ignored. So, you thought maybe it was time to back off a little.
Helpful Answer (13)
penniesforlove Jan 2021
Thank you!!
We tell people who we are, and they believe it and act on it. You have told your parents you are the one who will help them with this and with that and take care of things. You are the one they can rely on and be comfortable with and not have to treat like the returning Prodigal Son. So that's how you are treated.
Let your parents do ALL they are capable of doing. Don't enable them to call you for everything. Look on your family relationships as a contract in which you state what you will do and they state what they will do.
Often OPs write us asking why they, the caregivers, are the very ones who are cursed, yelled at, abused with ungratefulness and the rest of the family are the "good ones". Easy to designate a "good one" when you don't live with them. We always take out our frustrations on the one closest to hand.
Perhaps you are not needed there as much as you currently are there. Cut back just a bit.
You can either be treated like visiting royalty and like a houseguest or you can be treated like family. Kind of look at it like that.
Helpful Answer (5)
Lovindaughters Jan 2021
Great advice!
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Yes, plenty of others experience this. It’s a dynamic you can’t change and a wasted emotion to be angry or resentful over it. Many times people overlook the one who’s always there and get excited over those they don’t see so much. If I were you I’d be less available, you’re training your parents to only depend on you and as their needs grow, it’ll become too much for you in every way
Helpful Answer (19)
Stilltired Jan 2021
I’m actually not training my parents to be dependent on me. I did and do what is necessary and no more than that. I’ve deliberately done less & less as my Mom’s health improved. I encourage their independence and backed off on everything that they can do without assistance.
I don’t resent other family members but it does hurt when I’m treated badly and the other family visitors are treated so nicely.
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