
All the posts I have read talk about taking care of elderly parents. Is there anybody who is taking care of of a sibling that is the same age of the caregiver?

RK, Would you tell us a little bit about you, your sibling what is weighing on you right now?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Debmiller

I've read quite a few posts here about caregivers for siblings with Alzheimer's/dementia. Keep reading the posts and I'm sure you'll run across some.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to lealonnie1

Change sibling to spouse. You will find many caregivers
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to MACinCT

We really need more info here. Why are you caring forva sibling?
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Reply to JoAnn29

I agree that much of the advice on this forum that pertains to parents or spouses also applies to siblings with cognitive decline/mental health issues.
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Reply to Geaton777

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Reply to lealonnie1

We are a caregiver forum, I've seen post from parents care giving a child.

So your welcome to ask anything about caregiving.
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Reply to Anxietynacy

I didn't hands on take care of my brother, but when he was diagnosed with probable early Lewy's Dementia I was the one he made POA and Trustee for his trust. He lived at the other end of my state so I was back and forth as he recovered from an accident he had that was the beginning of his diagnosis, helped him to sell his last home and to enter ALF. He did not long survive his diagnosis and died of sepsis a bit more than a year after diagnosis.

I have, in my 5 years on AC seen more than a few siblings caring for one another to one extent or another.

Is there a particular question you have?
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

I did Take care of my brother who was a Year younger who had schizophrenia and stage 4 cancer . It is a Lot of work But I was Happy we were able to spend the Last year and a Half of His life together . We had some Laughs and had a good time together . Stressful - But I do really Miss him a Lot .
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to KNance72

I have been caring for my brother who has late life blindness and mild to moderate mixed Dementia. I relate to KNance72’s story, it is stressful but there have been many good times and laughs that would not have been possible otherwise. Music with an echo dot has been a great resource! One of us comes up with a remembered song or band and have a lot of fun. Sometimes we listen to music from a decade and try to guess who it is. I believe this has been very stimulating and uplifting for us both!
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to babelcor
KNance72 May 15, 2024
my brother Liked to remember Moments in Our childhoods when we Played together .
Yes. I am my brother’s caregiver. He is 71 and I am 66. He is now in a NH.
it is not easy to be in charge of someone who never married and never took care of himself. He also never saved for the future and came to me in debt.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to ghutch

i am 77 and my brother is 74. all his life he didn't take care of his diabetes or himself, As a result a few years ago-he had a car accident, which left him unable to drive. He lived in a small house and I lived ten mins from him. His daughter was helping and the son lives in Fla. My brother is stubborn, resisting aides to help him, sleeping all the time not taking care of the dog. I would go over several times a week and my help was suffering. Long story short, he ended up in hospital, where his daughter told him he wasn't goin home and it was being sold. My brother had to go to a nursing home where medicare took over. It's been 14 months and I have his dog. My brother is doing ok and really it was the best move for him, me and his daughter!

i don't know how old you are or your brother but is goin to a nursing home doable?? Can you talk to an elder lawyer if over 65?? You need to search as best you can bc it is best for you and your brother. y Good luck and God Bless You! take care of you but we can;t desert our family either
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Reply to AngieGuido74

RK1234: Many know that I cared for my mother out of state. However, when I arrived back to my home state, I was thrust into caring for my sister in law. A little off topic, but it was 'assumed' I would take on this role.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Llamalover47

My husband was POA & we were caregivers for his mom with dementia, and her deaf son lived with her until she passed. Now he is POA for his deaf brother who is 64, 3 years older than himself. The brother is on disability and lives in another state now, about 5 hours away. He ended up evicted for not paying his rent and my husband had to put his life back together and now supplements his rent in an apartment, manages his bills and gives him an allowance. This brother is morbidly obese and barely mobile. There are 4 other siblings but none help, nor did they with their mother. This brother has constant medical issues due to his weight, but when my husband mentioned to a sister about considering a nursing home, she felt bad for the deaf brother. Seeing to the finances, navigating the dr appts, etc. is aging my husband before his time. Wondering when this will end?
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Reply to findingpeace

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Reply to JoAnn29

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