
My brother in law has Alzheimer's and is a 40 yr retired veteran. He was placed in assisted living center about a year ago as his daughter could not handle him at home. He was doing well but recently had an infection and wound up in a VA hospital. We are being told that he needs too much assist as he declined in the hospital and is barely ambulatory. His daughter is looking for a placement but although he has about 7000 a month it's still not enough to pay for most of these places who want 8 to 10 K or more. She still lives in the home which is his only asset and she has been there for 3 yrs caring for him. She was looking at possible aid and attendance but it's confusing to me if he is eligible. She has spoken to many people and some say yes but others no. Does anyone know if she has to include the house if she lives there? It's in his name but she is paying for it. Would they include that as an asset if it's unlikely he will return home? If she sells it and uses it to pay his are center will he have problems getting Medicare if needed in the future? They purchased two cars 3 yrs ago and they have since been sold will that count in the look back period? If anyone has knowledge of this process and can answer some of this it would be greatly appreciated. If not, I have heard that there are organizations that help with this process but are not scammers like some. Any info would be helpful.

Thank you he served during Vietnam and Desert storm
Hecwas an officer
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Barb71

Aid and Attendance may pay to help offset his care but sounds like he is passed an Assisted Living. Meaning he needs Long-term care with Medicaid helping. If you have medicaid you can't have A&A. Then there's the 7k a month, pretty sure that takes him way over the income cap. There are Miller/Qualifying income trusts for the overage but not all States allow them.

I would check out private State regulated homes. Maybe cheaper.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

Thank you for your responses. Yes I think it would be useful to seek out an elder care attorney as ot seems complicated. She is working so not really dependant so not sure she can claim that. She teaches and can work se time at home so she hired someone for the hours she was not there. But he was getting angry at times and there was concerns she woukdcnot be able to continue to handle him so he went into assisted living memory care. More recently hecwssvin the hospital andcits now they are saying he needs skilled nursing but we really don't understand why. Except for help going to the toilet as he is not ambulatory though he Was before he went into the hospital And working anywhere he shuffles with a Walker but I think he needs to have someone at his side and probably someone to transfer him to bed and into the shower. He can feed himself. But he doesn't really have nursing needs like there are no wounds there's no tubes. They did find a place it's a Community home
where there are just 2 residents and 2 caretakers
Seem to be many of these in the area with a small number of residents in each home it's an interesting concept
They take people at all levels. They are aware of his limitations. That said he may never need Medicaid. The house is the big question now..if it will count or not for aid and attendance. She did get hold of someone at a veterans assistance organization and we will look at all the paperwork to see if he may be eligible. Yes I think his income may be too high.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Barb71
97yroldmom Sep 7, 2024
I’m glad the daughter is in touch with the VA.
Here is a link from here on the forum with more information.
Your brother has to have served in the military during war time. Call your local VA to find out what the financial thresholds are for A&A. The VA Service Officer can help you with the application. Do not rely on anyone BUT the VA in your state to give you accurate info. You can also go online to get accurate info. Google "VA Aid attendance benefits in __________ your state "

Good luck to you.
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Reply to lealonnie1

You wondered if brother would need Medicaid in the future. He may be better off with Medicaid at this point. While he may be eligible for aid and attendance, he still might be better with Medicaid and daughter might be able to claim dependent care giver exemption and be able to continue to live in his home which she has been paying for.
A&A pays a fixed amount that might be more limiting than Medicaid. I once looked into this for my in-laws. The attorney that I consulted explained that based on my in-laws total assets and situation, Medicaid would be the better option. They passed before they needed LTC so I only know enough about this to know that it might be possible.
The daughter needs a consult with a certified elder attorney who understands both A&A and Medicaid requirements to help her determine the best course of action.
I’m sorry your brother is in such terrible condition. I hope his daughter is able to find him a suitable placement.
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Reply to 97yroldmom
Barb71 Sep 7, 2024
Thank you for the link!
AL are limited invtheir care. A person living in them must do most things for themselves. Thats why LTC is being recommended. He is beyond their ability to care for them.

I would suggest the spouse see an Elder Lawyer about splitting assets. Facility care is expensive. Spouse needs to protect themselves.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Two things. What is his level of "Service Connected Disability"? And if you have not checked recently check again as they are updating conditions all the time.
If he is at 100% he would qualify for one of the VA homes..
If he is eligible for Hospice the VA may also place him in the VA Hospital under Hospice.
PLEASE contact your local Veterans Assistance Commission OR your State's Department of Veterans Affairs. both of these will help free of charge.
You can also contact the VA and ask to talk to a Social Worker.
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Reply to Grandma1954

Definitely make an appointment to see a Veteran's Benefits Rep. The VA hospital should have one on site. I would recommend seeing an estate attorney regarding the house. You do not want to lose it if you can help it, since you have been paying the mortgage. If he has Champ VA he may be entitled to more help, and most certainly if he is has a 100% service connected disability, he is eligible for a considerable amount of help, although I think the disability has to fall under the military's accepted disability, but I am not sure. Please talk to a VA Rep. I have found them to be very approachable, knowledgeable and very helpful.
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Reply to CherylMe

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