Do you use IV mobile or even going to an office for this? Does it help if the elder was functioning at a deficit with their hydration and the IV would bump them into proper body hydration and possibly improve their cognition? If so, what has worked? How is it paid for? Can it be done independantly?
My dad gets very dehydrated as well and now has trouble swallowing but I don't think the two are related... other than swallowing is an old age issue as is not being thirsty. He gets aspiration pneumonia because of the swallowing issue. And he has gotten so dehydrated that he needed to go into the hospital to be rehydrated. Getting thickened liquids into her (or my dad) is a battle but necessary.
If so, can the Doctor give you a go-to plan? (Like they do for other conditions eg asthma emergency plan). I would think the first responce would be thickened soups & drinks? But this is too hard due to swallowing issue, is that right?
What's the fuller picture? Is this post surgery? Post stroke? Frailty or end of life?
In addition, based on my experience with my father's dysphagia, it's NOT my understanding that dysphagia is caused by dehydration, which in my understanding and based on discussions with a speech pathologist and therapist, has other causative factors.
Beyond that, how would you plan to rehydrate? Where will you get an IV pole
and other equipment? And the bags of fluid? I can't believe any doctor would script for them (unless you're a med pro) nor would a DME deliver them.
PLEASE don't play doctor or nurse; you could seriously compromise your elder and cause him or her irreversible damage.
If you think the elder really needs IV fluids, consult a qualified medical practitioner.
Lots of soup, Thicken soups with extra vegetables then process it as much as you need to.
Thickening other liquids with a product like Thick It. You can thicken from a nectar thick to pudding thick. As the person declines you will increase the thickness of the liquid.
Stay away from gelatin (Jello) and popsicles and ice cream as they thin out when they get into the mouth.
Is the urine light colored? If so she is probably hydrated.