
He becomes obsessive about the dream.

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Does it matter? For example, is he frightened by the dream, or angry? Is it making him violent or abusive? If it is not a real problem, perhaps you go to the 'therapeutic lie' or just redirect what he is thinking about. You can see lots of discussions about this on the 'Care Topics' site on the top right of the screen! Best wishes, Margaret
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Your profile says that your husband has dementia. Sometimes, their waking time may feel like a dream and they do get confused. Of course, I'd report any change in mental status to his doctor.

I recall in the early days of dementia, my LO would ask me if she was dreaming. She said things were dreamlike and they confused her. I would tell her that things were real and not a dream, but, that seemed to bring her comfort and didn't bother her, but, if it would have made her happier to think it was a dream, then, I would have gone with that. Because, it's all about keeping them as content and unagitated as possible.

Is there some reason that you can't just agree with him and keep him calm? Sometimes placating is best. And, if he's agitated or too obsessive, I'd discuss it with his doctor. Perhaps, medication could help him. People with dementia can obsess about a number of things. My LO obsessed about her cat. It was a huge deal. Medication and time resolved it though.
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