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I consider myself fortunate. My Partner lost his wife and she made a stipulation that nothing could be handed over to the beneficiaries for ONE YEAR. He found it so easy to get things done and then distribute who gets what, even funds were held for one year. SO, he did the same thing in his Trust and Will. Giving me one year to get everything sold and money in the bank and then distributed. I LOVE IT
More people should do this.
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Anyone wanting to create a Care Agreement, just look on this site under the legal items. It is GREAT and my Partner agreed to it as it was spelled out perfect what he expected and what I should get. This Site has it all.
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And by the way, my attorney had never done one or seen one, I think I have encouraged her to do this for others. The Care great..
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If you deal with the VA, they have one
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Something else to keep in mind is determining who should have the say for final remains where more than one decision-maker is involved.

NYS allows this form to be used in assigning a single contact. This was important for same-sex partners to grant a partner the right, rather than having them pushed to the side for a family member to handle arrangements. It is also helpful when multiple parties are involved and relationships are contentious.

Now that marriage equality has been upheld for all as of today, same-sex spouses are covered by the law, I expect. For all who have been waiting for this to become reality, I wish you well and I'm happy for you.

Here is the form for NYS:
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