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Imho, I cannot advocate for this procedure as I am not a medical professional. However, something must be amended. I cannot fathom how "he got on his walker." That is VERY bizarre and tremendously unsafe.
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please don't give shock treatment omg. These are people who cannot control themselves through no fault of their own. It is terrible yes, but they still have regular feelings. Maybe a medication into food or something that can calm him right down. So sorry for this, it is a very very difficult situation that no one ever taught us kids about.
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I am a Power of Attorney to someone for l4 years. She was the most stubborn, difficult person. Long story - medical people were desperate. They gave her shock treatments and it calmed her down. She now lives in a memory care unit in a nursing home. But she has calmed down. I'd say given the circumstances, if nothing controls the rage and hatred and behavior, you have no CHOICE unless you want to lock him in a padded cell 24/7. I'd say, based on my experience with the woman I take care of, go for it.
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Has he had Neurological evaluations that included scans recently? At this point a NEUROLOGIST needs to be part of his medical team.

Never agree to anything that involves being "pressured to decide something NOW.
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Hi, he may have Lewy Body Dementia. 50% of patients have sensitive to medications so the meds help at the beginning and then they cause toxicity and the symptoms become worse. My mother has LBD and there is nothing that will help and giving her meds actually makes her more aggressive and combative. CBD oil is the only that has proven to help. Also, anesthesia makes dementia worse so I will say no to any procedure. Prayers for you to make the right choice for your loved one.
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They make cbd in candy form too

the liquid is normally coconut oil based.

is he in a pot medically legal state?
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