
I am in my 70s and have arthritis and degenerative disc disease along with stenosis of my spine. I have had barbaric disc surgery in the 70s that have in part created a lot of my problems. i take 15mg. Meloxicam daily.. My doctor will not prescribe any pain medication. I can not stand on my feet for longer than 5 minutes without having crushing pain in my lower and upper back. I really don't want to take pain meds that wiill cancell out my mind. I don't know what to do? Should I change doctors?

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Hi Tonio,
I live in a town that has less than 1700.00 people. We have one surgeon. Our hospital is tiny and we must travel great distances for specialists. Most of the good doctors don't stay becaus they can make more money practicing in larger cities. I have over the past 14 years changed doctors 4 times. I had diabetes for over 6 months and was not told. I had been diagnosed as pre-diabetic and was prescribed Metformin once a day. When I went to my drug store to pick up a refill I noticed that the bottle label instructed me to take it twice a day. I called the Dr.s office and spoke with her nurse and asked her about it, she said, "'re diabetic' and I asked her why I wasn't informed of that news and she claimed I was. I certainly would have remembered that. The blood test i had taken was over 6 months ago! She told me to come in and pick up a glucose meter in the morning. I did...she gave me two of them and I asked her to show me how to use them and she said for me to "take them home a play with them." Needless to say, I changed doctors. The medical care out here is sloppy & poor. I originally came from Boston Mass. and the medical care was the best in the land. I am elderly and I can only hope and pray that I can live out what is left of my life in some comfort. Let me say this, I will not allow myself to be poked and prodded and i will seek out relief where I can get it. Too bad marijuana isn't legal here. :)
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You have received some excellent advice from tonio. I realize it is difficult to find the right doctor; especially to prescribe pain meds. Long story short, I've been living with chronic pain for 16 years. And it wasn't until about 6 years ago after changing doctors that I was prescribed strong pain meds. I'm fortunate to live in an area close to doctors affiliated with world renowned hospitals. These are the people who I found "truly understand" pain and don't just write you off. It was just interesting to me how the local doctors just didn't seem to get it. These doctors I go to also teach at ivy league, they are current with what is going on and sincerely care about the pain. So, for me anyway, it appears the more prestigious affiliations the doctor has, the better the understanding and care. It doesn't seem right, but that's been my experience.

You won't get addicted when meds prescribed are limited. These meds give me somewhat of a life and more than I had before them. Don't be afraid to tell the doctor how severe the pain is; between 1 to 10 if your pain is a 10 - tell him or her. (I didn't and regret it) For some reason early on, with other doctors, I felt they wouldn't believe me if I told them it was a 10 - perhaps it was their demeanor; and from research I had done, some doctors think patients are "drug seeking". No one should live in pain, no one. I pray you find the right doctor and some relief. Take care.
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Hi all, and thank you Tonio999 for your thoughful reply. I must add a bit more to my first letter. I am required to see a orthopedist for a new evaluation (xray) so to rule something worse than what I already have. A friend of mine was suffering with pain in her hip and was sure it was sciatica. It turned out to be stage 4 bone cancer. That reason alone has cooled my jets! I have a appointment to see my pcp tomorrow and I will tell him what I will not allow for treatment. In the past I have endured injections in my spine of budazolidan alka, novacaine and cortizone. They lasted for a couple of weeks then the pain returned. I have also had physical therapy and the relief was only marginal.
. These tests are expensive and so are the trips to specialists. I cannot get medicaid because I am less than $100.00 over the poverty line. So as you can see I am in a catch 22. After the orthopedist gives my doctor his report only then can I recieve pain medication. This is the way of the medical proffesion protocal. Thanks for reading this.
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Definitely get another opinion. i just quit my recent job working with a pain specialist. There are pain patches that provide a constant type of analgesic. I dont think anyone should have to live in pain that severe. If doc is afraid you will become addicted, you will just have to take only the number of meds prescribed. I would never see a doc with such an attitude. Most of these docs wouldnt deal with this pain themselves. My mom has spinal stenosis and takes an occasional vicodin and it definitely does not "knock you out." She is 88 and does just fine with her medication. The media has done so many articles about pain meds i think it has been exaggerated. There will always be addictive personalities. The media doesnt seem to have a problem showing ad after ad for Viagra, cialis, plan B pills, not to mention antidepressants. if you are on one antidepressant, then take a second one! Sorry this is so long, but I feel strongly about pain control and a doc who refuses to treat a patient, isnt treating the whole patient. i would go to a university center for help. Good luck and keep looking for that special physician.
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