Mom is skin and bone, weighs between 60-70lbs. She is showing signs of fluid on lungs. Her respirations are very limited. Has been having seizures off and on for days. She has been in a comatosed state since Thursday wee hour of morning. She is un-responsive when awake. I swab her mouth periodically. When she is awake I have tried some "thickened" water but she no longer will allow fluids in, just runs out of corner of mouth. I am sure dehydration has set in by now especially of moms low intake levels prior to this.I know in my heart there is no coming back. So now, I have to leave it in Gods hands. I am still searching for answers in order to allow myself to let go. It sucks, when you no longer have that control of a situation. My world has evolved around her for so long. I am lost. Just pray that she remains at peace and passes without too much suffering. I tell her off and on its okay to go. Last evening, I sponged her off and put on a nice set of PJ's, I put her hair up in rollers. I told her I was making her pretty for her journey with Jesus. My mom was alway very neat with herself so I thought that would be of some comfort. Maybe this is or not her time, I wish I knew the answer.
I'm so sorry for you. By now your mom has likely passed, or she soon will. People can go a long time without food, but lack of hydration will take her first. If she's still alive, please call you local hospice. They can tell you that she is in a state where she is not suffering from lack of food or hydration. She is beyond that. You are the one suffering. Please call hospice or another organization like your church, once she's gone, for some grief counseling. You've handled this alone for so long. My deepest sympathy.
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