She began taking a blood pressure med for 3 weeks. After complaining of sweating and head hurting, she was diagnosed with an overdose. Ever since, she's been trying various bld prsr meds (on/off and not taking properly) along w/ other meds (anxiety and sleeping meds). Her biggest complaint for a long time is that her head (internally) feels hot/burning. She's obsessed with her health but now is afraid of chemicals from medicine. She has been diagnosed with internal inflammation and ulcer. SHe has high anxiety (panik attacks), complaining, depressed, needy, loves attention. She still tries meds but everything she tries ends up with worse pain and then she stops taking it (the last thing she tried was Lexapro). I believe the physical pain is real. I'm her 2nd daughter living in Florida. Her first daughter (my older sis) is living with her in Michigan. My older sis can't handle taking care any more. I'm so concerned. Please help.
Your sister sounds like she could use some respite care. Maybe some in-home help would give her a break. Good luck with this and please come back just for support. We can't fix it but we can listen.