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In Michigan, AAL is a specialized form of senior apartment housing that provides on-site personal care and health related services with rents priced at rates affordable to seniors with low to moderate incomes. The program is limited and there may be a waiting list at any facility. It is run by your county office of the aging.
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The following is from the Michigan dot gov website, I'm sure you can use google and find much more information...
Choices for older or disabled persons who may need help caring for themselves.
Nursing homes used to be the only choice for older or disabled persons who needed help caring for themselves. Today there may be the choice to stay in your home or a community setting, but you or a family member may need assistance in doing so.

One program run by Michigan Medicaid is the MI Choice Waiver Program. It began in 1992 as the Home and Community Based Services for the Elderly and Disabled (HCBS/ED) waiver program. We now know it as the MI Choice Waiver Program, or simply, "the waiver."

Through this program, eligible adults who meet income and asset criteria can receive Medicaid-covered services like those provided by nursing homes, but can stay in their own home or another residential setting. The waiver became available in all Michigan counties October 1, 1998. Each participant can receive the basic services Michigan Medicaid covers, and one or more of the following services unique to the waiver:

Homemaker services
Respite services
Adult day care
Environmental modifications
Medical supplies and equipment not covered under the Medicaid State Plan
Chore services
Personal emergency response systems
Private duty nursing
Home delivered meals
Training in a variety of independent living skills
Personal care supervision
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Medicaid Waivers come from Medicaid. WHAT STATE?
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Instead of participating with Medicaid, this home uses Medicaid wavers and I "think" this is a government program.
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Medicaid waivers depend on what state you are in. Check your state website or tell us where you are.
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