
I am a mom of four boys ages 16,8,7 and 10 months! My dad is sick with cirrhosis of the liver and pancreatic cancer, although he is stable. When he does have to go to urgent care my sister who has no kids dandse to pack up the kids and take them with me to my dad's appointments because she says it's not fair that she goes and I don't! I'm so busy with my kids and husband, I never get a break for myself. I bring my dad four days out of the week to my house to care for him. On the weekends my sister goes clubbing to nightclubs with her friends. While I do laundry and catch up on chores!

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It's depressing you too. Next time you call 911 and have them pick up Dad. Your sister is the center of her own universe, so ignore her complaints. Dad sounds like he would do better in Assisted Living than being alone. Once he moves there he will have a lot of fun with peers and good food.
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Do not take your kids to Dad's appointments.
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He is able to care for himself, but he suppose to limit his salt intake and make healthy eating choices, but he doesn't! So when I have him at my house I cook healthy meals, that means breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks! If I don't bring him over to my house my sister will complain that I need to come over to his house and cook for him! I can't win, it makes more sense to bring him and watch everyone at the same time versus bringing all the kids to his house. Seriously, my sister doesn't work or have kids and she makes excuses like " your a better cook then me"! I need a break or I'll be the next one in the hospital sick. My sister also says that her therapist said she shouldn't spend too much time with dad because it's depressing her.
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Can we have more information about your Dad, is he able to take of himself on the other 3 days when he isn't at your home? If yes, maybe you could cut back on the number of days he is with you.

As for you having to bring all the kids with you for your Dad's doctor appointments, see if your sister could babysit since he is tired of going to his appointments [many of us can understand that, like if we see one more waiting room we will scream].

Just because your sister has no children [which was her choice] it doesn't mean she doesn't have a house to clean or groceries to buy. Yes, you have more cleaning and more groceries, but that was your choice.

See if you and your sister can work as a team, to help each other out more with your Dad's care. If it becomes too much, maybe it is time to get Dad another level of care, like a paid caregiver to come to his house.
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