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Where were you living before you moved with your g-gm?

I assume you are getting room and board. Where are you getting money for things like haircuts and magazines and clothing? Are you being paid for caregiving?

Have your completed high school? More about you will help us help you.
Helpful Answer (8)

I agree that it's not your responsibility. But sometimes caregiving is thrust upon minors simply because they have no choice. They can't support themselves, have nowhere else to go, and could even be arrested as a runaway and treated as a juvenile delinquent if they try to leave. No, it's really not right. But if you're a minor, you won't have much choice until you reach the age of adulthood in your state, whatever that is.

The rest of the family is probably thinking that g-grandma doesn't have too long to live and you will soon be able to go back to having your own life. It's a good solution for everyone else, for sure. The problem is, there's no way of knowing how long an elderly person can live and in the meantime, your life has become intolerable.

Unfortunately, if you are counting on family help (for example, to support you while you get through college) you may be putting that in jeopardy by claiming your independence, at any age. So you need to think about that, and think about what other resources you may have available to you. Is there another family member you could live with (an older sibling, perhaps?). Are you capable of being self-supporting?

Good luck and let us know how you are doing, please.
Helpful Answer (9)

It's not right. But can you tell us a little more - like, are you still in school? Do you have anywhere else safe where you could live - is your father an option? Could you return to the area you moved from? How long until you turn 18? Besides your mom and grandmother, do you know anyone else in the area whom you can trust?

A little more detail will help to give you more specific advice. But again - this isn't your responsibility- especially at your age.
Helpful Answer (17)

Are you locked in, chained to the bed? Your mother and grandmother have tricked you into being their servant, there is no way they live so close and didn't know what was going on. They are controlling you with fear, obligation and guilt.... fear of reprisals from the family (and perhaps even the authorities?), tapping into your sense of familial obligation and the guilt of abandoning your g.gma and "promise" to help. At 17 you should be in school, having fun with friends your own age, dating, and taking steps to establish yourself as an independent woman. Make a plan to get yourself free, give sufficient notice and then go. If they love you they will respect your choice, if they only want to use you they will not, but either way you will have learned a valuable lesson and you will be free.
Helpful Answer (19)

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