
He was allowed to keep $60.00 per month for personal expenses. What happens to it? Does the family get it, the nursing home or the state of Connecticut? The business office has not answered my questions.

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Even if there is no Will, you may want to go to Probate and ask for a short certificate giving you the ability to handle Dad's finances. Once you have that, you take it and copy of death certificate to the finance dept at the NH. With that info, they should have a check sent to you within a couple of weeks. Make sure that the check is made to you or at least Estate of. The money is considered part of the Dads estate. Don't allow them to tell you it goes back to Medicaid, it doesn't. This money came out of Dads SS for his needs, it's his money. Same with any money you may have from the spend down you needed to do to get him Medicaid. That money goes to his estate. While at Probate they will ask you what his estate is worth. In my state, under 20k does not have to be probated. I doubt ur Dad has 20k or any bills, so whatever money received will just be split amoung his kids. Here is an explanation.
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