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I also recommend a transfer bench. They are cheap and help a lot. Make sure you get a transfer bench and not a shower chair. A transfer bench fits over the edge of the tub. So your mom can sit outside the tub and then slide into the tub. She can then shower in the tub. Grandma was also shower fearful after a fall in the tub. The transfer bench allowed her to shower independently for a couple of more years. I just had to set everything up and she would do the rest.
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The anse is in your questions. When you will be 89 will you be ab le to climb in and out of a tub ? So if you have the money dont hésitante have a walk-in shooter ! You will see that she will envoi it provided the use of it will be explained to her or try first to visit the supplier with her showing it to her, and baby the she will be able to test on ( just to see how it is to walk in and discoure the new comfort. Dont delay too long before taking a décision with her.
Yvesvan de CALSEYDE
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Remodeling the bath/shower might be costly and a short lived useful investment. You might consider buying disposable Bath Wash Cloths which can be warmed in the microwave. This way your mother could sit on her bed or chair and still wash herself. They are also excellent for personal care issues.
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I would invest in a hand held shower,tub/shower seat,non skid trips for the tub, non skid bath mat, grab bars, and adequate lighting. Is there a female 8n the family would could provide supervision while she bathes? If not, is it possible to hire an aide for bathing? Most agencies have hourly minimums so maybe the aide could assist with other tasks that are becoming difficult. I would also install a raisedbtoilet seat or a 3 in 1 commode. It also may be worthwhile to have an occupational therapist perform a safety evaluation not only for the bathroom but for the entire home.
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Edit -
- *CONVERSION* to walk-in
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I tried for months to help mom get into the shower. I installed hand rails & a chair, she fought me like a cat. We had an occupational therapist coming once a week when she had a fall. She had mom show her how she got in & out of the shower, how she washed. No problem, therapist praised her.
(I was on my way from my house.)
I honestly don't remember her EVER taking a shower, she always had a "bird bath", washing all over, & washing her hair in the kitchen sink. I told the therapist, she said mom asked her not to tell me about being in the shower, I told lies about her all the time & would make her take one everyday!
I love that old "witch"!
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Convert to walk in and get some very thin dressing robe/gowns that just wrap around, to undress in her bedroom first and wear that and go sit on the shower seat, often the shower heads that can be moved around the body are better than those attached to the wall and they can do 90% of the cleansing whilst sitting, then the final stand up to do the nether regions, towels and dressing gown which had been removed after hair washed, and left on the seat.. tossed into washing machine.
This way as the son you can leave her for that final 45sec and be outside with a nice fluffy bath towel, to hand around the curtain. No stepping no balance problems and no water cascading down upsetting her balance
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First suggestion would be to add a small shower stool.

For everyday: disposable soap impregnated facial cloths for face, neck, ears, underarms, under breasts, and feet. Plastic over the toilet Sitz bath to wash bottom.
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