
I've been feeling very depressed lately. Reality has kicked in and I'm so aware of the fact my life is winding down. Driving 90 miles round trip to visit Mom in the nursing home (so depressing, and she cries and wants to come with me when I leave), bad back, feeling old and achy myself (and yes, have been to the doctor(s), worrying about how much longer hubby and I can keep the house up, children living 1000 miles away and knowing no children will be there for us, we don't want to go to them as good chance they will move in the next five years, etc. I just got my letter about 401k deemed distribution requirement. Felt like a kick in the teeth. I'm trying to enjoy things, but have lost my ambition and feel pretty negative.
Anyone else feel like this? I really don't like it, don't want to feel this way.

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It is just so hard when there is no one to talk to. I wish we could all just get together for a group hug. Hard to type for the tears in my eyes as well. Days when we all feel so forsaken and empty. I make jewelry to help, but haven't even been able to do that. This site helps and having someone who doesn't judge or criticize. Just hope tomorrow will be better and not just a repeat of today.
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AmyGrace, oh my gosh that is how I feel today. Even with me no longer worrying about my Mom since she passed, and my Dad now finally living in Independent/Assistant living, my age has caught up with me and then some. I also got that 401(k) letter where I will need to take out a certain amount of money or face a penalty.... I don't want to deal with that.

I feel I will never have the great 25 year retirement my parents had, as my parent never had to care for their own aging parents. My parents had no idea the stress they were putting me though and it has taken its toll on my health and outlook on life. I hadn't been on a vacation going on seven years, and now that I can, I am too tired to go anywhere :P

This weekend I was thinking the same thing about my house. It's beginning to be too much for me to handle... my sig other isn't handy so I do most of the fix it things, but now I don't like climbing ladders, etc. And the snow, my gosh almost 2 feet, I feel like I want to move in with Dad as his apartment is so nice and cozy :)
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I have been feeling like I have 5 pound blocks on my feet for the last month....feeling sad and tired......It has been a long winter already. I went outside and walked about a mile this afternoon.....made me feel better! But then the calls from the NH and my dad...kind of took the wind out of my sails. I understand what you have all been feeling like.....we put so much effort in others that there sometimes is little gas in the tank for ourselves.

Stand tall, breath deep, make yourselves smile! Look at a garden catalog! We can brush this off friends!!! I'm giving you a cyber hug!
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Yes, I feel depressed. This year has started off very badly. And really, I can understand my depression. I live with one of the most depressing humans on the earth.
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Yes, me, too. My mom has become agitated and angry. The weather is gloomy and cold. I think about how my mom and dad went south for a couple of months each winter when they were my age. I just keep hoping that we see some sunshine and warmer days soon.
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Its been a long winter. I am 47 but my father died at 49 and my sister 45 so I am very aware of my mortality. Watching Mom deteriorate from Alzheimers has been challenging. I so want to be able to tell her when I have had a bad day or am upset and be "mothered" but she just is not able to do that anymore, I am more a mother to her now. But I try to keep myself happy, it is hard some days. Big hugs, and remember you are never alone!
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I have felt just like you're feeling for years now. Same problems and feelings except I got divorced last year and now facing dire financial problems with having to let go of the house but no where to go, Mom's been ill for 3 years now after a stroke. She's nearly deaf. I'm feeling my mortality as well. I'm burnt out now not only from the physical demand of caring for mom, but I've become so depressed I cannot seem to pull out of it. No kids around either and just about broke before retirement. So yes, I'm up at 3 am because i can't sleep, very lonely life, and brother is moving out of state so that he can "enjoy his life". LOL In spite of it all we never know what tomorrow may bring, Sometimes there's an uplifting surprise that comes our way when least expected. Keep your head up! Lots of hugs!
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Dump anytime you like. We all need someone just to hear us and just listen.
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I hear ya.. It being Winter doesn't help.
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AmyGrace, my kitchen floor is 35 years old and the pattern is such that if one dropped a pizza slice on the floor, one couldn't notice it. It the old cushion rolled flooring where if you dropped a plate on it, charges are the plate would survive :)

I noticed the new patterns in today's kitchens are so busy looking I need Dramamine just to walk into them :P So I know how you feel finding one pattern just doesn't mesh with another pattern.

My personal taste is plain... like white cabinets with butcher block counter tops [making a come back] and back to white appliances. As for the flooring, not sure, I do like wood floors.

Back when I was a residential Realtor I use to tell people to remodel as soon as they can so that they can enjoy the new look for awhile before selling the house. You'd think I would take my own advice?

Dealing with my parents for the past 7 years pushed any remodeling back big time. Time and money wise.
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