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That crazy old broad LaddeM was typing at the same time I was. Had I read that first I would have said......." What She said^^^^^'. She is a wonderful woman and has a way of making us all feel better when we need it. Love ya both!
Helpful Answer (5)

I feel like a dirty old bucket, or worse yet the nasty rag inside of it, almost every day. It is not a glorified job. It is really just maintenance. There are two things to point out, though. A bucket and rag are more useful than a tiara and robe. And things fall apart if the maintenance man misses a day of work, while no one cares if the company president disappears for months.

Still I get angry anytime I am scrubbing the bathroom. I feel like a lone person covering for the laziness of the world around me.
Helpful Answer (14)

Yes dear, most of the time. There are times when I feel good about what I do. I know I am doing my best and I feel like it is Gods will for me right now, but YES! Only a caregiver means it literately when they say they are having a sh*tty day.
I know it's easier said then done, but try to find the time and energy to fix yourself up, and go out and do something that makes YOU feel good.
I think the BEST thing about this site is.....sometimes you just need to hear, "I hear you and I understand". Well girl I DO hear you and I DO understand. I hope your day gets better.
Helpful Answer (6)

Sort of like we are Cinderella, but don't get the glass slipper and the prince in the end??? ya, I feel like that sometimes.... I look in the mirror and see how much I have aged... the stress makes my skin an odd color.... and I never wear make up anymore.... I would only sweat it off.... and make up and sweats are not the prettiest sight either.....with fuzzy slippers that the 'fuzzy' has been long gone.... sure, probably most of us feel this way.... no matter what our state of mind, our perception of our lives, our aching backs and a closet that hasn't seen anything new in ages.... all of that and more... and you are not alone.... just don't loose your sense of humor....

Wish AC would have a picture thread, that we could all do a selfie of our outstanding lives..... but we probably wouldn't be able to tell ourself from others...... we probably all look somewhat alike..... so know you are not alone, and find one thing during your day to be grateful for... sending one Cinderella a hug from another Cinderella...
Helpful Answer (11)

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