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Sherry; You need to do a couple of things. Yes, lawyer, probably an elder care lawyer before you see a divorce lawyer. Yes, a therapist for yourself, because you are stressed to the max. But ask the lawyer about closing credit cards, bank accounts. I DO believe that you can call up credit card companies and tell them that you will no longer be responsible for purchases that he makes. I think THAT's the first thing you want to do.

Whose name is the car in? The car insurance? I would call the insurance agent and seek some advice about that.

This is first of all about protecting yourself, your sanity and your assets as a community spouse. Please let us know what happens. Hugs and good thoughts to you.
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I strongly urge you to seek counsel for YOU. Do you have a church minister or counselor you can talk to? Some churches, such as mine, have full-time certified professional counselors who work with church members and non-church members. I hear and feel your desperation. Seek some professional help before you make decisions which you may regret later. Of couse, after the professional help, you may decide to go through with your divorce plans, but at least you will have had a sounding board to see all sides of the issue. May God be with you in this difficult time of your life! My grandmother used to say, "Where there's life, there's hope."
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Spending like a FOOL...and I will be the one who has to work to pay for all these bills when he is dead and gone....I HATE DEMENTIA and what it does to SANE PEOPLE
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