
he needs 24 hour a day care and we have no money . can someone help me? i have to dress him, bathe him. feed him , cook for him take him to all dr opp and we just dont have any money to pay someone to sit with him . i already have a lady that has been helping me and she is wonderful but she cant work for free . and i cant pay her . i need help

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I'm sorry you are in such a squeeze right now. Hang in there! Wilgie is right, Medicare has housing options for seniors under the poverty line. You could also take a reverse mortgage on the house which will pay you a monthly amount you can use to get help. Maybe these folks can help? You can get some advice. Elder Law of Michigan, Inc.
3815 West St. Joseph, Suite C-200
Lansing, MI 48917
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If you live in Michigan, there are programs that he can sign up under if he has Medicaid , medicare.
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yes mam im looking into veterans benefits but all he has is his house thats his only asset . we are just in a bad situation i can barely feed him . my family wants to just put him in a home and i dont wana do that . if they can pay for him to be in a home they can pay a sitter to be with him at home . he worked his hole life and he deserves to pass in his house . sorry im venting if you can come up with anything else please wright me back thank you so much
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Does your grandfather have any assets/savings/social security/veterans benefits? Those should be used for his care. Have you applied for Medicaid on his behalf?
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