I been trying to convince my gran that staying in her bedroom all day isn't good for her and that she should go to other parts of the house. But she refuses to leave her room, she would rather stay in there even when its a nice day outside. The main problem is she can't walk and refuses to use the wheelchair. Its been 6 months since she last left her room and that was a big drama getting her out, She screamed the house down for an hour. Now when i clean her room and vacuum her carpet i have to turn her chair whereby she is faces the hallway in the house she screams the house down like somebody is trying to kill her. when really it should be me screaming blue murder because she gets violent she kicks and punches me, i'm sure the neighbors think i'm abusing her because of all the noise she makes. I really don't know what to do anymore. Some days i feel like walking out on her.
Good luck. You need relief.