
Mom is 82 and I believe (I know) she is scared of her. Since Christmas 2015, we have removed her from my mom's house many times, but in 1 or 2 days she is back. She knows just the right things to say to make mom feel sorry for her. When we are around, mom is more assertive & tells her she can't live there, but when we leave, mom changes. She demands things & mom gives it to her to keep her from getting mad. She won't eat left overs & if she wants Jack in the Box, she won't leave mom alone until she gets her way. She hates me & my husband & told us so. She is actually my son's step daughter but he raised her & her twin sister. She yells & cusses, she is this way to everyone unless she wants something, that's the only time she is nice to me. I must admit her home life is not good, her mom is on drugs & they can't get along because they are just alike. She won't do anything for herself, she won't clean, cook, do laundry, nothing. She doesn't have a job. I need help!! Is there anything I can do to force her out. My mom says she doesn't want her there, but then changes her mind when she comes in saying her parents are treating her bad. She is the one that treats everyone bad. Anybody have any answers for me? 6 yrs. ago my husband & I lived w/ her for 3 months, that kept them away but they are older now. She has a twin sister that also lives there w/ her baby, but she is good to my mom & mom loves the baby. My husband is disabled & I have to take care of him & mom doesn't have enough room for us to move in w/ her. I thought Elder care could help me but I don't see anything on the website that fits my problem.

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Babalou had a great idea about taking over your Mom's money management.

Regarding your Mom, does she have any age decline or possibly memory issues? Is the house important enough to keep? I was thinking maybe it is time to downsize to a much smaller home that would be easier for your Mom to maintain. Thus, no more room for the twins and the baby.... those girls really need to get out on their own in order to mature and have their own life instead of sponging off of your Mom.

Another idea, tell the twins it is becoming too expensive for your Mom to give out free room and board. Therefore, you will be drawing up Leases for both girls and they would need to pay a monthly rent.
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Ylu could talk to your mom with a pastor, or counselor, or her doctor, and help her see that she's not doing Jada any favors by babying her. Would it help if mom didn't have access to money? You could arrange, with mom's perrmission, to take over her money management so that yhere is no ability for mom to shell out funds.

Long term, who is helping this child grow up? Does SHE have a cae manager or social worker? It sounds as though she has some mental health problem.
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