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The advice to call 911 could be great, but it could also backfire. Fortunately all the 911 calls to my home have resulted in a very cooperative effort to help my 103 yo mother get the best care possible. Since your mother is very oppositional or aggressive, it could have a different outcome. Here's a story about the EMTs coming to a home when an adult grandchild called for help in getting his 87 yo grandmother to take her meds.
The police were present and tased granny and shut off her oxygen supply. She go severe burns from the taser gun and spent 90 days in psych lock up. She and her grandson are suing the state. Here's a link to the story:
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You have to factor in the emotional abuse on your kids. They are your first priority. Look into nursing care. (nursing home) she probably can qualify for Medicaid. Once she is there, visit her often and have the family go in shifts. If the CNA;s and nursing staff know that you could come in at any time, they will take much better care of her. I have been a CNA for many years and this is the best way to go for abusive family members. You can have a visit and leave when things get nasty.
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Pity you can't just pick up, move, and disappear leaving her behind.
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I think that the issues here are far more deep seeded than any of us strangers will ever know. There is a level of anger & resentment that seems to be very obvious in these comments about your mother.

I cannot comment on the American medical or social availability of resources as I am in a country where everyone has free medical available if they are under our
Version of * Medicade* together with an amazing structure in place to assist those in a less financially stable situation than your mother.

It also sounds that your mother is obviously not stable in her own right, as I know as a grand mother myself, with 14, 4, & 2 yr old grand children, I would never yell or scream at them. More than anything else It sounds like your mother either has not accepted her disability or is actually angry at herself for being in this situation. ( I live with & care for my disabled & elderly Aunt, )
Their lashing out is not actually at others as it seems, it's really directed at themselves.

Maybe.... You can invest a little time to take her to see someone with whom she can discuss these outbursts,These are sometimes really cries for help in their own way, but our frustrations at situations amplify the core issues at hand & it
may also help you & your family in the process.

Good luck! & don't write your Mama off, as remember we never know what may happen to us one day, & your children are witness to your family dynamic with your mother as well. You may need them one day!

I wish you all the best, I hope your burden is lightened for you soon with some governmental assistance. & an understanding support system you may be able to reach out for. :)
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Ddesignz, unfortunately we cannot choose our parents and far to many people get stuck with "parents" in name only - I don't see it is wrong at all to feel resentful at social expectations that we should act like they were good parents, when in fact they were not. When a person has been an abuser lifelong, then it way be wise to accept that fact and act accordingly, rather than continue to cling to false expectations that somehow they will change.
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