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I'm afraid of this sounding like an idiotic question, but how do you get her to the ER unless she co-operates?

As a possible alternative, how old are your daughters? Would child protection services be of some assistance, perhaps?
Helpful Answer (2)

Please follow the above advice.Call the police and she will go to the ER and be held
for 72 hours.If she hits a policeman or woman ,doctor or nurse,it will solidify your case.Then she will be in the system and be assigned a caseworker.Have you contacted the doctor about this? They should be your disposal to get her out.Laws are laws but there will always be ways around them.You will likely need a lawyer to help with social security , medical documentation is vital. I know...the more members of the medical community you have behind you the better.Good luck and stay in touch
Helpful Answer (3)

I tried every trick in the book to get my husband out of the house. Finally when I had given up a young doctor at the VA during an emergency room visit asked me “do you really want to take care of that old man? That one question got the ball rolling and I had to pick out a nursing home and the only one taking new patients was 32 miles away. I suspect any doctor can do it, you just have to find the right one and it will probably be miles away
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Take her to the local er . If 2 psychiatrists agree they can hold her for 72 hours. Now she's in the system. A social worker and discharge planner will be assigned to her, ask for their help. Every hospital has a patient advocate or representative whose job it is to negotiate for the patient with the hospital. Inquire about them starting the medicaid process for her. Find an attorney who will help her get social security disability, their fee comes out of a portion of what she gets. I don't know exactly how that works except no money is required up front. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (8)

If she is disabled, she should be on social security disabilility. If she is low income or no income, she should have a caseworker with the county social services. You get her out by having the police take her away when she hits somebody, and you get an order of protection to keep her away.
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